Meet * Share * Co-create
We have already booked Hotel Schloss Wilhelminenberg in Vienna, created the program structure, and expect 100-200 people from all over the world to attend – IEC and beyond! It’s not the big conference, it’s the regathering of a stoked community.
So, what is this Regathering exactly?
It is a very exciting new format to bridge the time between IEC2 and IEC 3.
It’s just two days — enough to plunge again into the community pool, re-charge the batteries, and feed the fire of inspiration.
It has a lighter format, with only 2-3 key short speakers and a lot of space for the Big Circle and for the self-organizing, open space process. We want to give maximum allowance for people and for what’s in the room to emerge.
The Big Circle is partly for us to meet, encounter, and align, and partly to experience the integral world forum of Who is doing what and where, and Where are we in our activities worldwide? This is going to be done in an easy, short, and playful format.
And we can’t miss the healthy hedonism of evening socializing — a time to hang out and enjoy superb dining in the local eateries together.
Hotel Schloss Wilhelminenberg
Heuriger Sissi Huber – dinner on Tuesday
Integral Community Tour
The Teal world teams up for the Regathering, again establishing a long-term partnership with integral.