Frequently Asked Questions

First, purchase your ticket from the ticket shop. The week of the conference, you will get an email with all the necessary info, like login details, invitation to a closed Facebook group, and other details.


You can join the conference on Zoom via the internet, using your PC, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. For the best experience, we highly recommend you join with a laptop or PC — smartphones are less advantageous.


There will be multiple Zoom links assigned to parallel presentation and workshop rooms. You’ll find the map of these on the closed page for those who registered. Your personal entry will be in the email that you’ll get 1-3 days before the conference starts.

The only thing you need to do is check your email inbox during the week of the conference, when you’ll receive all the info and invitations you’ll need to participate.

As the IEC Online 2020 ticket options we are offering are already so reasonable, we are only offering the 4-day ticket. Tickets for shorter amounts of time are not available. You are welcome to join us for as short or long as you wish with these tickets.

In that case, we will reserve your registration for IEC 2021, and you will get the IEC Online 2020 Conference as a bonus for free! Request a coupon code at . This is our thank you for keeping your registration and supporting IEC to be able to survive the coronavirus times and organize the next live conference in 2021.

Yes, all presentations will be recorded and made available for participants during the conference and afterwards for a limited time (30 days).

The time zone of the conference is set in Central European Summer Time (CEST), also called CET. Put BUDAPEST in the search if you need to put a city in a time zone converter, as IEC is mainly organized from Budapest, the capital of Hungary. 


Some references: Budapest is in the same time zone as Berlin, Rome, Madrid, Paris, Amsterdam. It is 1 hour ahead of London, 6 hours ahead of New York, and 9 hours ahead of San Francisco; 2 hours behind Moscow, 6 hours behind Beijing, 7 hours behind Tokyo, and 8 hours behind Sydney. You’re more than welcome to join from anywhere on the globe!


In case you missed a presentation or workshop you’re interested in, you can easily rewatch the recorded version that will be made available for participants during and after the conference for a limited time (30 days).

Use the time zone converter to check your own schedule:


All presentations and workshops will be recorded on several platforms and made available to participants during the conference. In this way, in your daytime (while Europeans are sleeping), you can watch what happened while you were sleeping, say in America or Asia. 


Also, you can watch these recordings after IEC Online ends, for a limited time till the end of June (30 days). So, you can participate, watch, or even rewatch all presentations and workshops on a schedule that suits you best. In this way, all participants, including Europeans, can watch all the rooms where they couldn’t go, because they were either away from the computer or participating in another room. Multiple rooms will run parallel, just as in a real life conference, just less in number. During the live IECs, we have 10 parallel rooms, here we have 4 to reduce complexity.

IEC Online starts on May 27th (Wednesday), at 3:00 PM CEST and ends on May 31st (Sunday) at 10:00 PM CEST. You’ll find the timeline of IEC Online here:

We redesigned the conference format, having less sessions and more breaks, to reduce screen time and balance it with breaks. Use the breaks, leave the screen! Then come back for the next session. Check out the timeline to understand the time structure.


Use the 90-minute big break after lunch to get away from your computer, go outdoors, get fresh air, and move your body. 


In any case, you are free to join and leave at any time. You can come part-time, too. As the IEC Online 2020 ticket options we are offering are already so reasonable, even with a sliding scale, we are only offering the 4-day ticket. Tickets for shorter amounts of time are not available, but you are welcome to join us for as short or long as you wish with these tickets.

AUDIO & VIDEO – In order for you to enjoy your presence fully and join conversations, you’ll need a microphone as well as a camera. Built-in cameras on laptops, tablets, and smartphones are fine; built-in microphones are usually not so fine, so for better audio we recommend using a headset with a microphone!


DEVICE – Laptops and PCs are better than smartphones (including iPhones) because the screen is bigger and you can see more people without having to scroll a lot, making the communal experience better. You’ll also have better access to Zoom control buttons. 


INTERNET – As for internet connection, it’s best to have stable, strong cable internet. Second best is strong wifi. Third (not so stable) are SIM cards. Usually, if you can watch videos on YouTube or video chat via Skype, you should have no trouble joining the conference.


ZOOM – Make sure you install Zoom on your device before IEC and try it out, test it!

During the morning and afternoon hours (CEST or Central European Summer Time zone), there will be 4 rooms streaming presentations and workshops in parallel, so you’ll be able to join one of the 4 at any given time. Later, you can (re)watch all presentations and workshops for 30 days after the end of the conference.

Yes, you may ask questions of the presenters during the presentations in the live stream or live Zoom chat. Each session will be hosted by a Zoom Tech Host and a Facilitator Host, and they will give instructions in the call / or in the info email on how to participate in an interactive way. Most sessions will be interactive.

If you don’t want to be seen and want to stay anonymous, just “sit and listen,” you can do that, too. In that case, you can keep your camera turned off and your microphone muted. Participation in interactive events and breakout rooms will be invitational, and you can decide. In the integral culture, we prefer real people with faces and real names with cameras on, but if for any reason you want to remain unseen, we can also appreciate that.

No. It focuses on the whole globe. IEC Online – just like the last two live IEC events – has grown into a global conference, as we have presenters and participants joining from all continents. This is a global gathering for the integral community and for all interested people from around the world.

If you have any other questions —

Please email them to us at

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