Dr. Elke Fein IEC 2025 Keynote: Wholeness in Politics, an integral approach

In a world increasingly polarized by ideological divides, how can we cultivate politics that embrace complexity, wisdom, and integration? Dr. Elke Fein, a political scientist and expert in developmental leadership, brings a groundbreaking perspective to this question at IEC. In her keynote, “Wholeness in Politics – Surfing the Polarities”, Elke explores how an integral approach […]

Dr. Tom Habib’s Keynote at IEC: Evolving Relationships

Relationships are the heart of human experience, yet they remain one of our greatest challenges. Dr. Tom Habib has spent his career diving deep into the dynamics of connection, uncovering what makes relationships thrive—and what holds them back. As a clinical psychologist, couple therapist, and director of Integral Conferences of North America (ICON), Tom is […]

Towards Integral Education – Jamila Tressel joins IEC for keynote

jamila tressel

There’s a certain fire that only the young and fearless seem to carry. A fire that doesn’t just critique the world as it is but dares to reshape it. Jamila Tressel is one of those people. At just 24 years old, she is already an entrepreneur, author, speaker, trainer and coach, dedicated to one of […]

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