OKIE, Owen (United Kingdom)

Title of contribution:

One Taste, Many Flavors: Exploring the Dance of Integral Theory and Herbal Medicine

Exploring the Wild, inner and outer, with EarthMind Fellowship

Where & when:

Marabella II.
Friday, 25th 11:30-13:30                                                       

Friday, 25th 15:30-18:00

One taste, many flavors: Exploring the Dance of Integral Theory and Herbal Medicine

Quadrants, Levels, Lines, States, Types…in the simple experience of tasting a herb all show up. As an integrally-informed practitioner of herbal medicine I’m gradually learning how to bring theory into my practice. While studying for my M.Sc. I was struck by the lack of a coherent frame-work or paradigm in the field of Western Herbalism (not to mention allopathic medicine). I was already unconsciously practicing IMP and yearning for a coherent meta-framework that could bring together different paradigms and modalities of healing that is actionable for a practitioner when I discovered integral it was a revelation. Integral provided me with a path towards that goal. Little by little theories and practices are bridging the 5-elements of AQAL, and strengthening the cohesion of my approach to herbalism. While IMP is serving as a tool for better understanding the strengths and limitations of the world’s diversity of healing modalities. Come for an AQAL taste of psychoactive plants!

Exploring the Wild, inner and outer, with EarthMind Fellowship and tap into the power and wisdom of Nature for healing, growth and transformation

Join me for a foray into your inner and outer wilderness. Nature is the greatest healer and EarthMind Fellowship brings healing outdoors. Our mission is to access Nature as container, therapist, and catalyst for growth, transforming how we connect to ourselves and to our world. Rooted in the principles of Kinship, Exploration and Growth we support individuals in re-establishing and strengthening Kinship with themselves, the human and natural world. This creates a container for Exploration of their inner and outer nature. Development of resources (mindfulness, Heartmath, and “maps”) provides explorers with the essential “kit” . Exploration is the process by which Growth occurs. Insights and transformative moments must be brought home, consolidated in new ways of seeing, being and doing, and the flourishing of positive habits. EMF’s healing ecology brings together; Plotkin’s Wild Mind; a nature-based model that helps us understand the human psyche and interpersonal dynamics, HeartMath;

About Owen Okie

Herbalism wove together my diverse interests with a common thread; healing. Love of science, nature, hiking, music, writing, sustainability, spirituality connect, somehow, via the role of herbalist. Yet the unifying framework was invisible till I discovered Integral and the exigency of individual transformation to heal our world. Since, I’ve been exploring the application of IT as a health practitioner and founder of EarthMind Fellowship, a social enterprise for nature-based therapeutic exploration.

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