TAR, Zsuzsa
Title of contribution:
Heart Based Medicine Panel – speaker
Where & when:
Friday, May 29th, 2020
11:30 – 13:30
Presentation: Heart Based Medicine Panel – speaker
I would like to talk about the heart based relationship in psychotherapy.I I have experienced that nothing but a loving kind presence is already healing. With it’s love, patiens are able to find the healthy part in themselfs, and on the longterm they are capables to realise a self healing process.
About Tar Zsuzsa :
I have been working for the Cordelia Foundation since 2004. I provide psychiatric and psychotheraputic support to severly traumatized people. On the one hand, it is very interesting and insprirational to work with a culturally so diverse group of people, but on the other hand it is very sad to see all these inhumane things in the world. Therefore, we do not only help traumatized people, but also provide mental support in the form of suportvision and trainingstothoseprofessionalswho work withthem