
Christiane is a seasoned entrepreneur, speaker, author, and a global pioneer in the field of self-organization, and in purpose-guided life and work. She has spent the past 10+ years striving to better understand the shift in power systems triggered by self-organization and its effect on the people concerned. Following the call of her own personal purpose“The unification of love and power” led Christiane to let go of old stories and to embrace the liberation of what is emerging in their place. This journey eventually led her to writing her book New Stories of Love, Power, and Purpose; A Global Invitation to Experiment With the Unknown ( Fueled by her recent personal experience, her latest entrepreneurial endeavor is to co-found PowerShift  Journeys DAO LLC, a For-Purpose Enterprise that offers innovative programs that combine facilitated personal growth practices, entheogenic journeys, integration coaching, and community connection to unleash power-shifted and purpose-guided leadership.