Morning Gong Fu Cha – Tea Ceremony

Morning Gong Fu Cha Tea Ceremony Step into the day with presence and tranquility through the art of Gong Fu Cha, a traditional Chinese tea ceremony that cultivates mindfulness and connection. Morning at IEC 2025, Kata Zsák invites you to a serene and intentional tea experience, where the simple act of preparing and drinking tea […]

Active Consciousness Meditation

Active Consciousness Meditation (Ananda Mandala Meditation) is a dynamic practice combining meditation and breathwork to enhance self-awareness, emotional release, and clarity. This 90-minute session guides participants through breathwork and visualization techniques focused on the seven chakras, activating kundalini energy for deep transformation. Participants often experience: Emotional release Inner peace Profound insights Spiritual awakening Beyond relaxation, […]

Meditation with Feelings to Transform Mind Poisons

In this gentle and easy to follow guided meditation, allow your mind to be guided to a quiet and attentive place. From there, you work with each feeling or emotion as it comes up. By being aware – accepting – and letting go, you transform the mind poisons of ignorance, aversion and desire into equanimity. […]

Meditation: Green Tara, Saviouress from Suffering

Join this classic Green Tara meditation to connect more deeply with wisdom and enlightened activity. Green Tara is beloved as the mother of all the Buddhas, specializing in nurturing and protecting all sentient beings. “Tara” means both “star” and “savior:” her practice liberates us from suffering, in particular from fear, danger, and obstacles. Green Tara […]

West African Music: Dancing the 4 quadrants

What do we learn about a foreign culture by experiencing its music? Come spend an hour listening to the sounds of balafon, kora, guitar and drums from the Mande region of West Africa. These instruments, some of them 800 years old, were not meant for entertainment, but for building and upholding the values of the […]

Himalayan Compassion Meditation / Visualization

Nurture greater compassion in your mind, life, and the world with this classic meditation, visualization, and mantra. This powerfully transformative Himalayan Buddhist practice is beloved as the central practice for millions of people in the Himalayan region. It is also safe, useful, and easy to do in any context. As part of growing compassion, this […]

Integral Holistic Sound Bath

Integral Holistic Sound Bath rest for the body | peace for the soul | joy for the heart One of the most fundamental forces in nature that affects humans is sound, wich can be applied with beneficial intent supporting our body, soul, and heart.The Integral Holistic Sound Experience is a special form of alternative spiritual […]

LATIHAN – spontaneous movement of Being

A very simple practice consisting in following the body’s spontaneous movement, without anticipating, leading or hindering it.  It begins with the intention of fully accepting all there is in you and beyond you.  In silence, no music, no words, you follow the thread that your body proposes: sometimes very fine, sometimes very powerful, laughing, crying, […]

Integral Yoga Meditation

Integral Yoga Meditation is a spiritual path. It combines & integrates body, breath & spirit to a holistic way of practice. Asanas, mindful breathing, praṇayama, chanting, recitation, silent meditation, walking meditation, darśan are all part of its path. This integrative practice is the groundwork and preparation for yoga/ samādhi. In this morning workshop, we will […]

Landing: embody your current potentialized state

Landing is a condensed, personalized inner movement (or ‘practice’) to care for our body/mind/spirit, get into ideal state, remove blocks, and arrive fully here. We will start with splitting into pairs and having some rounds of shares that we have found support landing (good news, moods, etc). From there, there is an open space for […]

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