Finding Wholeness in Education: A Place for Us

This presentation shares our experience of educating from wholeness at our arts and nature-based integral education project for underprivileged children in rural India. A Place for Us integrates physical,  emotional, cognitive, relational and spiritual dimensions of learning, addressing the whole child within socio-cultural realities. Our programme provides nourishing food, basic literacy and numeracy skills, incorporating […]

The Shadow side of Shadow Work

Every Shadow practice has a healthy place and purpose. And every shadow practice has a shadow side: a way and place that it will cause harm. Even the most perfect shadow practitioner perfectively executing the most perfect shadow practice can cause harm if they do not understand the shadow side of their shadow practice. In […]

Love, Relationship, and Flow

Experience abundant love. Discover how to help those you love feel your love like never before. Explore the vast diversity of love styles and experience love patterns you never knew existed. Expand your horizons of love, dive deeper into the depth of love, and discover the evolutionary developmental heights of love. This experiential workshop is […]

The Pauli-Jung Conjecture

In the early 20th century, physicist W. Pauli and psychoanalyst C. G.Jung engaged in a remarkable intellectual partnership, delving into the enigmatic realm of synchronicities. Through a sustained dialogue spanning several decades, they sought to illuminate the subtle interplay between the so-called ‘Inner World’ of the psyche and the ‘Outer World’ of physical reality. By […]

Systemic Development

Why coaching / leadership training in organisations does not work! Unless it is systemic and the CEO leads the OD vision. I would like to share how after coaching and training many executives I realised that the good work I was doing was not systemic and sustainable. In 2016 I my a huge business decision […]

A Comprehensive Approach to Personal Evolution

In this immersive talk, we explore the STAGES model’s practical applications for personal growth and the key principle “get healthy where you are.” We’ll identify areas for optimal growth at your current stage, often not where we’d instinctively focus. We’ll explore hidden imbalances, highlighting the importance of a healthy foundation for unlocking potential and enabling […]

Live Love and Lead from Wholeness

COLLECTIVE FLOURISHING : live, love and lead from wholeness. I offer a consciousness based approach for collective flourishing, an integral framework called EVOLVE. As a human being ,our design is to operate at the center of two complementary forces of becoming and belonging. Humans are inbuilt with a longing to become something, differentiate our individuality, […]

We-Flow: Integral We-Space for Business

If awakening is a collective rather than an individual matter, we need to look at the contexts where most collective effort is currently being spent, one of them being:  workplaces & organizations. In We-Flow, we have addressed the question of how we can connect the gifts of the individual to a larger network of gifted […]

10,000 Peaceful Warriors

As integral practitioners, we know that who we are is every bit as important as what we do and how we do it.  For this reason, integrating embodied presence within our professional practice is vital.  Yet how much of our awareness is encoded into our physical being?  Are we fully ready to put ourselves on […]

Co-creating Org Transformation with Diagnosis Tool

Marc Mathys will discuss his experience of using ValueMatch, a diagnostic tool based on Integral and Spiral Dynamics, to analyze the current and desired organizational culture and structure. The goal is to enable participants to connect with their own desire for organizational development and co-create their transformation path, rather than following a management-initiated vision or […]

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