Awareness Meditation for Later Stages’ Descending
Our self is a co-constructed cultural & individual phenomenon. We interpret our experience through previously known symbols & chains of meanings. Each stage assures radical shift of meaning-making structure which incorporates previous stages’ experience. Interstage transition is not subject to awareness and, as many other mental processes, is guided by the unconscious and shadow. Meditation […]
Integral Awareness & Energy Field Psychotherapy
In this Integral Awareness Meditation (IAM) experience we will dive into essentials of expansive contemplation that allows you to integrate deeper states of consciousness (including flow & non-dual states) with everyday activities—such as not just your personal meditation practice but also work, interpersonal communication, and group energy field awareness. You’ll explore thoughts, feelings, sensations, and […]
Deconcentration in Integral Awareness Meditation
Deconcentration is a powerful contemplative technique first developed in the later period of consciousness research in USSR; it has correlations with both advanced shamatha-like and open-awareness states practiced in major meditative traditions. We have incorporated deconcentration as an essential part of Integral Awareness Meditation (IAM) as well as a useful tool for Integral Psychotherapy. Deconcentration, […]
Invoking Wholeness Through Collective Awakening
Meditation is often seen as a purely subjective, individual practice. But what happens when we turn the eye of meditative awareness toward the intersubjective, or collective mind in which we are always enfolded? In this guided group meditation session, we’ll come together and explore the contours of collective consciousness and co-awakening. Sharing a combination of […]
West African Free-Dance
What do we learn about a foreign culture by experiencing its music? Come spend an hour listening to the sounds of balafon, kora, guitar and drums from the Mande region of West Africa. These instruments, some of them 800 years old, were not meant for entertainment, but for building and upholding the values of the […]
Source Leadership: Your role in holarchic fields
Leadership doesn’t simply happen in org charts – it arises in the invisible spaces between people. The theory of Source (according to Peter König) shows how social fields emerge and work around projects. It makes informal hierarchies tangible and explains how they can differ based on context. This makes it easier to resolve leadership challenges […]
Money and Spirituality: Integrating Wholeness
💰✨ How can money and spirituality coexist in a way that feels authentic and liberating? ✨💰 Money is often a tender topic, touching our deepest fears and hopes. In this interactive, heart-centered workshop, we’ll explore Clear Sky Center as a case study of integrating financial engagement with deep spiritual practice through Integral Theory’s four quadrants. […]
Comedy of People and Organizational Transformation
Workshop Overview: In this gentle yet engaging workshop, I will deliver a 30-minute comedy show based on real-life stories of people and organizational transformation in Japan. As an organizational development consultant, I have found that textbook approaches or ideal case studies rarely succeed in practice. Instead, meaningful transformation often begins when we let go of […]
AQtivating Soul Power: Wholing City Metacrisis
In our action research design workshop we explore how Soul Power reframes wholeness for cities facing Metacrisis. We first question – “What?” is the challenge? We’ll consider why cities seem to be fragmented, climate threatened, at war, polluted, biodiversity deserts, chaotic, destructive and disrespectful. Then we’ll ask: “So What?” How do these conditions catalyse cultural […]
Visionary Pathways, dragon dreaming
From I to We – How to Let Go of Excessive Individualism and Step into the World of Fragile Duality to Create Unity? ”If you want to travel fast, go alone; if you want to travel far, go together.” No one teaches us the simplicity behind the manifestation of great ideas. We’ve learned to live […]