It is critical for us to understand our strength and weaknesses as we grow through our adult lives.
- It helps us to see how we can expand our capacity
- It enables compassion for the limitations we may experience in ourselves if we are trying to extend ourselves beyond our capacity
- It helps us to work with our talent
The Leadership Development Framework (LMF) describes 9 ways of adult meaning-making and shows how adults mature throughout the lifespan and make meaning in evermore meaningful and flexible ways. We invite you to an intimate, intensive exploration of this framework with Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter and Dr. Paddy Pampallis!
Leadership Maturity Framework (LMF) & MAP Instrument
Experiential Intensives / May 16-19, 2017 Budapest
Leadership Maturity development supports people in exploring where they are in their path to maturity, to discover their unique path to ongoing growth, while helping them find and apply the best tools and practices to get there.
Most learning and training in developing leadership is geared towards expanding, deepening, and enriching a person’s current way of meaning making. It is like filling a container to its maximum capacity, and is focused on horizontal development. Facilitating vertical development, on the other hand, refers to supporting people to transform their current way of making sense towards broader and more mature perspectives.
Leadership Maturity Framework is a stage theory through ego development. It enables you to connect to your own growth as it can show how you connect to your stage of life with cognitive, emotional, interpersonal, moral, and self identity. It allows for reflection on stages that you may not have grown while going through them and enables you to hone some of the skills that would be useful in the roles you play. It enables you to trust yourself witht your gifts and not feel desolate because you are not getting what others get.
In a world where we are trying to make sense of our leaders and the capacity needed for living into days world, the LMF provides relief by being able to understand why certain decision are made or not made.
Who are these intensives for?
This learning opportunity is for you
- if you are interested in your own growth and/or
- if you engage with individuals and organizations to facilitate Leadership Development, Executive Coaching, Team Development, Coach Development, Organizational Development, and Whole Systems Change.
About the MAP Instrument
Dr. Cook-Greuter’s thirty-five-year research led to a reformulation of Dr. Jane Loevinger’s ego development theory and the expansion of the Washington University Sentence Completion Test (SCT) (1970) to include stages of self-actualization and ego transcendence based on thousands of pieces of evidence.
The Maturity Assessment for Professionals (MAP) is the most cost-effective stage measurement in the field for what it delivers: it looks at various dimensions of a client’s experience as a whole person, not just his/ her general stage distribution or cognitive levels and reasoning.
After the training
You will:
Understand the distinctions between horizontal and vertical developmental
Explore developmental theory, with a deep immersion into the nine stages of adult development described by the LMF
Discover the capacities and challenges of each stage
Inquire into your own meaning-making and appreciate your unique developmental journey
Learn about full-spectrum developmental coaching and its potential
Be introduced to Polarity Wisdom™, a tool to support post-conventional development
Learn to apply the LMF and MAP in organizational contexts and culture change
If you are a coach, leader or a therapist
- LMF helps you to help others to pace themselves and set the right tasks and actions in their life for their success
- If you are working with people of all ages LMF gives huge insight into their stage and how ego can limit or support them
- In the workplace it enables leaders to know thei capacity and limits and then place their peoplein the right roles so that they can rise to their best
- For therapists it enables them to see their clients beyond personality, and the environment as a person on a developmental journey and how to navigate each stage more skillfully
Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter
Center for Leadership Maturity (Co-founder and Chief Wisdom Officer), The MAP Institute (Founder)
Susanne is an internationally known authority on Mature Adult Development with a doctorate in Human Development and Psychology from Harvard. She leads workshops throughout the world in the Leadership Maturity Framework and its application for coaching individuals, teams and organizations.
Susanne is the author of the SCTi-MAP, a professional Sentence Completion Test. Her data base is now over 7700 SCT protocols. As a seasoned practitioner, Susanne consults to various projects in research design (integrated qualitative and quantitative analyses) and in using developmental assessment tools as part of transformational interventions.
Dr. Paddy Pampallis
The Coaching Centre (Executive Director), D.Prof Executive Coaching, Reg. Psychologist
An activist, explorer and seeker at heart, she has spent her working life as an educator, psychologist, coach, supervisor and business woman.
Paddy is one of the first five candidates globally, to receive an academic qualification in executive coaching with Middlesex University (London) (2005).
Her ground-breaking research on the supervision of executive coaches evolved an integrally embodied approach and furthermore, into a unique transformative offering for coach training and leadership development through an intgration of African philosophy: the Integral+ Practice™ of Leadership and Coaching, which is rated highly by Susanne Cook Greuter.
LMF is like viewing the world on a journey up a mountain…
We go from dependency to independency to interdependency.
We go from matter to mind to spirit to unity.
When we start out we may simply be so unsure that we are so dependent on our instincts for survival. When we are in the earlier regions owe can only see what is in our very narrow field of reference.
Next this may include a larger field. As we climb up the mountain. We can then see it’s not just about me but also about my group.
Then we go further, our vision increases. We are not simply in the woods we can see the top of the trees and who else is there and what expertise is needed to be effective here. However we then become enmeshed in thinking that our expertise has all the answers. We then grow capacity to see even further as we go beyond the forests to see beyond and our sense of achieving much bigger things becomes apparent as we have more available to us.
And so we journey on to ever widening capacity and capabilities to see more and to stand in diferent shoes. To see more perspectives and to consider more options.
There comes a stage where we have too many options and too many views that all seem relevant and it’s hard to choose but the next stage allows us much more ability to discern and drive (strategic) action. We are more and more able to let go of our attachments and ego and access knowing from more than one source. Discernment is when wise council and wise action is cultivated and our spiritual life takes on new meaning. We have to go through our existential crises and emerge to something more or collapse into depression.