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Hotel Azur in Siófok,
at lake Balaton in Hungary

May 26-31, 2020

The European Venue for the Global Integral World


Held every two years on the European continent, IECs are not only a huge social catalyst where international integral collaborations begin, enabling our human capital to grow, they also have a mission based on integral principles.


In addition to the programs, there will be a Sightseeing Tour with the Integral Community – Jun 01-03, 2020

Be part of this experience!

“The Integral European Conference is providing one of the most sophisticated, up-to-date, genuinely Integral (not pretenders), most exciting source of fundamental and leading-edge Integral ideas and practices to be found anywhere in the world.”

The Early Bird Ends In


Meet the luminaries of the integral world!


Connect with the global scene and the creme of the integral community!
Our key note speakers this year along with 200+ integral professionals.

Fresh Messages From the Father of Integral Theory (Live Stream)
Adult Development and Immunity to Change
Theory U and Presencing for an Integral World (Being organized)
Transrational Thought, Transpersonal Feeling 
Pointing Out the Great Way
(Being organized)
Organizing Integral for a Collective Transformation (Opening Speech)
Metamodernism: Friend or Foe to Integral?
A Paradigm Change in School Education
Melting the Ice in the Heart of People – Arctic Elder Speak
Holacracy®: Encoding Teal into your Organization’s
Cultivating Wisdom 
Yin Leadership: Fear, Courage and Cooperation

Types of programs we’ll have



Integrally informed scientists and researchers present their findings. Peer reviewed with an Academic Committee of international scholars.

Use of integral theory in different areas of life, and developing new theoretical contributions in psychology, healing, business, society. Reflecting also on current societal and political issues of Europe and the world.

Hanging displays visible all week. See the summaries of who applies Integral Theory in what ways!


After theories, let go of the mind and engage in embodied experiential processes. At times playful, at times deep, and always insightful! Group processes and 2nd tier we-space practices.

If you are ready, go deeper! Try deeper experiential workshops to open up, get vulnerable and feel your emotions and higher states. Use IEC for healing, opening and self-transforming!

A collective, all-community constellation experience will be one of the deepest transformational events at IEC with around 600 people in the process. The biggest systems constellation experience you may have ever seen, where we will work with national, international and global issues in a professionally led, safe 3-hour process. At its height, it opens up into a maximum presence and flow experience for the global integral community.

Practiced as a rite of purification, initiation and spiritual breakthrough across many cultures throughout time, in contemporary society, firewalking is used not only for self-realization but also as an extremely powerful tool of empowerment and community building in large modern companies in the West. Saturday night, around a huge bonfire, with hundreds of people together in this, it will be an unforgettable communal, spiritual, and “tribal” experience in the later hours of the Gulyás Party night! Optional to participate – suggested to at least hold space.


From chatting in the lobby to being absorbed in conversations during meal times and the socializer evenings, and continuing all that in the spa and the lake, socializing is one of the sweetest aspects of the IEC experience! Meeting real people from behind webpages and Facebook, this is the time for the grand global meeting to happen. Enjoy connecting, sharing thoughts, opinions, emotions, smiles and hugs. Birth new collaborations and co-create. Party, dance and laugh a lot. IECs are as intellectualy vibrant as emotionally present, playful and energetic! You can be integral: be professional, relax, and recharge at the same event. This community and format contains and holds it all.

It’s not the small pool you have in hotels normally, you are in Hungary, the country of 100 spas! The hotel comes with its own extra spa complex, with a mutiple indoor and outdoor pool system. Enjoy floating in large heated pools or in funny jacuzzis and being cooked in saunas — either in the solitude of your me-time, or while having important conversations while you socialize.

Dressed in casual elegance, join the celebratory finish of the conference with special food and a special program, the gala dinner! The evening to wind it all down and have fun, with a stage for the community to sing, dance and celebrate together!


The opening socializing party of IEC 2020 will be on Tuesday evening, on a fun and elegant boat trip on Lake Balaton with dinner, champagne and live music!

Enjoy dancing with the community in the conscious space of ecstatic dance! The bare feet, no alcohol, no drugs policy enables a field of freedom, inclusivity and self-expression, where your untamable free soul can express itself in this nonverbal communal space of ecstacy. A world music DJ masterfully provides soul-stirring music after a guided movement meditation warms up participants. The tribal party ends with a relaxing sound bath experience.

A pleasant, outdoor picnic style dinner experienced under the stars on the lakeside, tasting the most ancient traditional Hungarian food, the Gulyás Soup (say “Goo-yaash”). Followed by a ceremonial bonfire, live music, drumming and communal dance experience. At the height of this evening, it all shifts into the huge Firewalk ceremony.


Join the the weekend workshops and courses before IEC, and learn from world-class professionals in the integral field! Dr. Robert Kegan, legendary Harvard psychologist, offers Adult Development Stages and Immunity to Change workshops, and more are in the making!

Sightseeing tour

Leave the hotel and look around Hungary and Budapest — explore this ancient Central European culture and scenery! Joining our smartly organized, 4-quadrants-all-stages-in-culture, 3-day sightseeing tour, you’ll be guided by local integralists and professional tour guides to see the best of culture, cuisine and history! We will also visit local spiritual sites and make time to recharge in nature. Keynote speakers are on the bus too!


Incredible visual artists will exhibit their psycho-active paintings in the lobby. A powerful gateway to transform our consciousness by transmitting states of consciousness!

Live music is an inherent part of the conference. Different musicians and even conference participants (!) will play and give concerts or short musical interludes, starting at the opening boat party and continuing on the main stage and gulyás and firewalk night. The gala dinner evening has an open mic stage, where anyone can come up and sing a song, play an instrument, recite a poem or dance!

Bence kisvideók

Watch the short 3-minutes trailers!


Main topics discussed in 30+ sections


Upper left quadrant

Integral psychology
Integral psychotherapy
Integral shadow work
Integral coaching
Integral spirituality
Integral trauma healing
Clinical psychology
Integral psychedelics
Integral sexuality
Integral art
Spiral dynamics integral
Stages of development
Transpersonal approaches

Upper right quadrant

Integral research
Integral theory
Alternatives of integral theory
Critics of integral theory
Integral philosophy
Heart based medicine
Integral health
New technology and transtech
Integral life practice
Integral embodiment

Lower left quadrant

Integral community
We-space practices
Collective trauma
Integral constellation
Integral gender approaches
Integral leadership
Women in leadership
Integral parenting
Human rights

Lower right quadrant

Eu and politics
Integral politics
Teal organisations
Integral architecture
Integral business
Integral city
Integral ecology
Integral economics
Integral education
Integral organizational development
Refugees and migrants
Societal change

“The IEC was moving, enlightening and fun, and happened in high-tech venue with amazing people making the whole gathering a highlight in my long conference experience. Everything was beautifully tended to in terms of organization. There was so much to learn, exchange and celebrate with integral folks from all over the world: workshops, discussion forums, keynote presentations, and encounter rituals. And let’s not forget boat and gulyas parties, and just hanging out with each other in vibrant discussions and joy.”

Is IEC 2020 for you?

The conference welcomes anyone interested in Integral Theory and Practice. It brilliantly brings together a wide variety of people and cross-fertilizes human domains in a highly inspirational week. It is a good fit for

People interested in Integral Theory

Integral practitioners

Integral scholars

Psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists

Coaches and leadership trainers

Medical doctors with open mind



Academic scientists and researchers

Meditation and mindfulness teachers

Spiritual teachers of Buddhism, Yoga, Christianity and Shamanism

Organizational developers

Holacracy and teal experts

Business leaders

Social entrepreneurs and change agents

Philosophers, writers and artists

Thematic tracks at IEC 2020

Bring your contributions in the following tracks!

Shadow track

The evolved teal and turquoise stages of personality aimed for by integral cannot be reached without serious inner work, in which we uncover and process our individual and collective shadows to be more real, honest, and liberated. Thus shadow work plays an important role at IECs. In the shadow track, we offer workshops from skilled facilitators and also theoretical sessions to better understand the shadow.

Power and leadership track

How governance, power and leadership is exercised and how organizations are structured and work are central issues in the future of society, politics and companies. We need to adopt new ways from the next stages of evolution. Empowerment, lean, agile and sociocracy came as new solutions with the postmodern wave and even newer post-postmodern, integral approaches were born in the last decade like Teal, Holacracy, Encode, Evolution at Work, Power Shift, and other approaches. In this track founders of these apporcahes and other experts will present.

Shamanism, Nature mysticism and ecology track

Both our inner spiritual path and our external ecological situation call many of us to a more intimate connection with nature and its visible and invisible forces. It comes as ecology, but it also comes as nature mysticism and shamanic practices. This aspect of spirituality is less represented in the integral world, while Buddhism, Christian mysticism and yoga are more prevalent. With this track, we make space for these intuitive and sensing approaches, and are not shy about exercising this side of our being while also being rooted in reason and science. It’s time to integrate and “marry the sense and soul” as Wilber put it.

Circling track

Circling is a new, popular group conversation practice, where the focus is on the radical here and now, in which we apply meditative awareness on what is happening between us and in us. We talk about that and only that. Exercising a deeply honest, non-judgmental integral way of being together, this mindful social presence is much needed for the evolutionary shift we hear about. We need spaces where we can get decentralized and more connected, be spontaneus and emergent. If you enter this door, you’ll get more real and awake, and will be seen and loved more than usual.

U lab track

U.Lab is designed to transform business, society and self, based on Theory U of Otto Scharmer. It is a new consciousness technology to connect leaders in business, government, and civil society around the world with their authentic self and having them lead from the emerging future. It introduces the variable of consciousness into management and the social sciences, and proposes that the quality of the results that we create in any kind of social system is a function of the quality of awareness, attention or consciousness that the participants in the system operate from.

Bence kisvideók 2

Watch the short 3-minutes trailers!


What makes IEC 2020 a unique integral conference?


Workshops and community experience

We focus on the community and the experience, so every day you will also attend experiential and transformational spaces. Experiencial learning gives you a deeper understanding of concepts and creates important new relationships, maybe the most valuable ones for a long time.

A new perspective

Integral is here to stay. Integral theory will probably be the most important perspective in business, psychology, healing, and other areas – this conference is an intellectual and practical investment, the knowledge you gain will enrich your life and your career.

The latest research of integral theory

Put yourself in the forefront of integral! If you’re a professional or a scholar, then this is the place to go to be on the cutting edge.

An affordable European conference

Most tickets include accommodation and meals and you re all covered with a reasonable price for the value. You can also use daily tickets if you come for only one or two days. As a volunteer, you’ll get a price reduction of at least 50% as a presenter you also get a reduction depending on the lenght of your contribution. If you’re a scholar but currently lack the financial means to buy a ticket, then apply for a scholarship ticket and let us help you getting in! See all options in the ticket shop, inlcuding scholarships!

Networking possibilities

If you’re an integral professional or an entrepreneur, this event is an important opportunity for you to network, to get exposure for your work, and to get to know your peers. And it is simply a thrilling buzz and a joy to be with so many people of quality, goodwill and smart evolutionary purpose!

Being part of something (r)evolutionary

You are part of something big here the revolution of consciousness: the next stage of evolution unfolding. People are allies of the evolutionary unfolding, dedicating ther lives and careers for that purpose. Come and explore with us all the different ways how we are doing it and present yours!

“The IEC was a memorable experience. A get-together of true soul-mates, joining together to pool their spirit, their creativity, and intention to create a better world – for themselves, for humankind. A wonderful event with wonderful people, wonderfully organized.”

What was past IEC-s like?

Watch the short 3-minutes trailers!


Get Your Ticket


1. Choose your Country

The country of residence in your passport or ID card that you will show at the conference check-in.


North America

South America




2. Complete your order at our secure checkout page

3. You get a confirmation email and your place is reserved

4. We meet in Siófok and enjoy all the programs of the Regathering together!










Bosnia and Herzegovina-Eastern








Czech Republic-Eastern








Hungary-Integral Academy Students

























Russia – Moscow-Western

Russia – non-Moscow-Eastern




South Africa-Western

South Korea-Western







United Kingdom-Western

United States-Western

The country of residence in your passport or ID card that you will show at the conference check-in.

2. Complete your order at our secure checkout page

3. You get a confirmation email and your place is reserved

4. We meet in Siófok and enjoy all the programs of the Regathering together!

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