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Where the global integral world meets in 2023

Held every two years on the European continent, IECs are not only a huge social catalyst where international integral collaborations begin, enabling our human capital to grow, they also have a mission based on integral principles. Due to the coronavirus situation IEC 2020 and 2021 were organised Online, IEC 2022 had a special Hybrid format fusing together the online world and live experience. IEC 2023 LIVE will be fully in-person again.

Be part of the experience!
Ken Wilber
Founder of
Integral Theory

“The Integral European Conference is providing one of the most sophisticated, up-to-date, genuinely Integral (not pretenders), most exciting source of fundamental and leading-edge Integral ideas and practices to be found anywhere in the world.”

Meet the luminaries of the integral world!

Connect with the global scene and the creme of the integral community!


A fully live conference

IEC-s have always been live conferences.

After three years of being in the covid period and doing online and hybrid conferences, we celebrate returning to the fully live conference experience!

Keynote speakers

Ken Wilber

United States
World-renowned writer, founder of Integral Theory
Integral Planetary Awakening

Dr. Gabor Maté

Canada / Hungary
Bestselling author, phyisician, trauma expert
It’s All One: Awakening to Reality, Within and Without

Dr. Robert Kegan

United States
Developmental psychologist, Harvard University
Shadow and Light in Adult Development

Bence Gánti

Hungary / United States
psychologist, founder of IEC and Integral Academy
How to support the health of the global integral movement?

Terri O'Fallon

United States
Theorist, researcher, co-founder of Pacific Integral
The Evolution of Planetary Awakening

Dr. Marco Robledo

Business Economics Professor, writer, University of the Balearics
Welcome to the 3D World of Integral Business

Vivian Dittmar

Bestselling author, wisdom teacher
Awakening to Unity in a Fragmented World

Marcelo Cardoso

Businessman, founder of Integral Instiute Brazil, CEO Metaintegral Associates
The topography of Work: an integral experiment

Dr. Mariana Bozesan

Author, sustainability and finance expert
The Future, AI and Consciousness

Dr. Gail Hochachka

Climate change researcher, Postdoctoral Fellow
Finding one’s own soul-centric climate action

Dr. Rica Viljoen

South Africa
Master human resource executive, Spiral Dynamics expert and Jungian coach
The Never-ending and Ever-changing Dance of Being

Diana Murillo Bohórquez

Psychotherapist and university professor
The joy of the shared journey while in therapy

Nomali Perera

United States
Executive and personal development coach and facilitator
Integral! Let's Not Vanish Into Thin Air

Growing list of presenters up to 200

Theme of the conference:
Planetary Awakening 2.0

Why 2.0, and what does awakening and planetary awakening mean for an integralist in 2023? The concept of planetary awakening itself changes. A 1.0 postmodern version has been out there since the '60s, telling the story of a wide-scale awakening of humanity with a time frame of a few decades. Those decades have passed. Where are we now, and what does the psychograph of the global world look like today?

Rewriting the story based on the experiences of 60 years, a 2.0 post-postmodern, integral version of planetary awakening is needed. We write this story together where the boomers, Y, X and Z generations can ally for a new narrative for the 21st and 22nd centuries!

Let's share and celebrate the integral life together!

Live Venue

Hungary, Azur Hotel in Siófok town

Types of programs we’ll have


Academic presentations

Integrally informed scientists and researchers present their findings. Peer reviewed with an Academic Committee of international scholars.

General presentations

Use of integral theory in different areas of life, and developing new theoretical contributions in psychology, healing, business, society. Reflecting also on current societal and political issues of Europe and the world.

Online workshops

Experimental processes
Bringing experiential processes to a Zoom space during the coronavirus lockdown period is a whole new and exciting experiment that many of the IEC presenters and process facilitators happily undertake. From instructions, to the whole group, to breakout sessions, we will try out transformational processes, learn new skills, and share interiors in a deeper way. There are a colorful variety of topics that will be in focus during these workshops from facilitators, trainers, teachers, and therapists of the integral world. Circling and different shadow work modalities will be featured, among the other offerings.
Shadow work

The evolved teal and turquoise stages of personality aimed for by integral cannot be reached without deeper inner work, in which we uncover and process our individual and collective shadows to become more honest, liberated and connected. Experience shadow work on workshops from skilled facilitators in the integral community.


Global sharing circle
Where are you from, where are you sitting now on planet Earth, what do you do, and what is your experience of the coronavirus in your country? One of the best aspects of conferencing is socializing. These are rare and precious opportunities to meet so many people from all around the world with similar thinking and a similar worldview in such a condensed period of time.
Lunchtime socializer
Let’s continue socializing during lunch! Bring your meal to the lunchroom and have lunch together with interesting integral people. Lunchtime is a great chance to get to know people, meet the ones you have to meet, build connections, exchange cards, or relax together—whatever the great flow brings.
Breakout rooms

During the presentations and workshops, facilitators will use the breakout rooms often. You’ll have the chance to meet people in various settings, too, during the more structured call times.

Spiritual practices

Morning practices

Join morning sessions to start your day together with fellow integral folks. Different sessions will be offered, from silent meditation sitting to yoga sessions and other movement modalities.

Integral church
This is not the amber / blue church, nor dogmatized integral. It is a pursuit of trying to create new spiritual communities from an integral vantage point—a global gathering for practitioners of Integral Spirituality, Wild Church, and Creation Spirituality. Using a framework based on the four paths of CS — via positiva, via negativa, via creativa, andvia transformativa– this virtual circle is a blend of embodiment, gratitude, silence, ritual, interactive chat, music, video, and meditation.


Ecstatic dance

Zoltan Kerenyi-Kiss, Integral Academy graduate and leader of the Hungarian Ecstatic Dance community will lead us in dancing with the community in the conscious space of ecstatic dance! The bare feet, no alcohol, no drugs policy enables a field of freedom, inclusivity, and self-expression, where your untamable free soul can express itself in this nonverbal communal space. Zoltan, also our DJ Metta, masterfully provides soul-stirring music after a guided movement meditation warms up participants. The tribal party ends with a relaxing sound bath experience.

Integral singles event
Many integral singles yearn to be in a love relationship with an equal and opposite partner. Alas, we have very few opportunities to meet compatible 2nd tier people in our day to day lives. And if we do, they are often clients or patients that are off-limits. So there is no shame in having a secret hope or even open agenda to find/attract a life partner at a conference like IEC. In fact, several Integral couples met by chance or fate at such events. However, flirting or “hitting” on people can be awkward, embarrassing, and even inappropriate, and many of us are introverts who don’t even try. Martin Ucik author of Integral Relationships developed a safe, playful and relaxed way to give interested singles a chance to get to know each other. Up for the adventure?


Visual arts

Incredible visual artists will exhibit their psycho-active paintings in the lobby. A powerful gateway to transform our consciousness by transmitting states of consciousness!


Live music is an inherent part of the conference. Different musicians and even conference participants (!) will play and give short musical interludes.

Main topics discussed

Upper left quadrant

Upper right quadrant

Lower left quadrant

Lower right quadrant

“The IEC was moving, enlightening and fun, and happened in high-tech venue with amazing people making the whole gathering a highlight in my long conference experience. Everything was beautifully tended to in terms of organization. There was so much to learn, exchange and celebrate with integral folks from all over the world: workshops, discussion forums, keynote presentations, and encounter rituals. And let’s not forget boat and gulyas parties, and just hanging out with each other in vibrant discussions and joy.”

Dr. Susanne
Cook Greuter
Founder of
Ego Development

Is IEC 2023 for you?

The conference welcomes anyone interested in Integral Theory and Practice. It brilliantly brings together a wide variety of people and cross-fertilizes human domains in a highly inspirational week. It is a good fit for

People interested in Integral Theory
Integral practitioners
Integral scholars
Psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists
Coaches and leadership trainers
Medical doctors with open mind
Academic scientists and researchers
Meditation and mindfulness teachers
Spiritual teachers of Buddhism, Yoga, Christianity and Shamanism
Organizational developers
Holacracy and teal experts
Business leaders
Social entrepreneurs and change agents
Philosophers, writers and artists

What makes IEC 2023 LIVE so unique?

Experience the elevated experience of real connections

You have real, genuine connection with people, where you experience elevated vibes of being with the global integral community! For many it feels like “being with the tribe”.

Workshops and community experience

We focus on the community and the experience, so every day you will also attend experiential and transformational spaces. Experiencial learning gives you a deeper understanding of concepts and creates important new relationships, maybe the most valuable ones for a long time.

A new perspective

Integral is here to stay. Integral theory will probably be the most important perspective in business, psychology, healing, and other areas – this conference is an intellectual and practical investment, the knowledge you gain will enrich your life and your career.

The latest research of integral theory

Put yourself in the forefront of integral! If you’re a professional or a scholar, then this is the place to go to be on the cutting edge.

Networking possibilities

If you’re an integral professional or an entrepreneur, this event is an important opportunity for you to network, to get exposure for your work, and to get to know your peers. And it is simply a thrilling buzz and a joy to be with so many people of quality, goodwill and smart evolutionary purpose!

Being part of something (r)evolutionary

You are part of something big here the revolution of consciousness: the next stage of evolution unfolding. People are allies of the evolutionary unfolding, dedicating their lives and careers for that purpose. Come and explore with us all the different ways how we are doing it and present yours!

Why only live and not hybrid?

We know that more people could join if we would do hybrid. Honestly, we are not after quantity but quality. Being together in person is more real, energetic, having a deep impact on most. It can go as deep as shaping our identity in this world. We have experienced that if we do hybrid, less people are interested in coming in person. We did let go the idea of hybrid for 2023. We encourage everybody to make the effort and come in person! Depending on the our organizational capacity and finances, we might stream all or some of the keynotes, which is 15 presentation out of 200. All recordings will be available afterwards, also for who can’t come personally.

Dr. Prof.
Ervin Laszlo
of science

“The IEC was a memorable experience. A get-together of true soul-mates, joining together to pool their spirit, their creativity, and intention to create a better world – for themselves, for humankind. A wonderful event with wonderful people, wonderfully organized.”

What is IEC like?

Ticket shop for IEC 2023

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STEP 2: Select items and submit

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As a social sensitivity practice, we take into account the different standards of living around the globe and adjust prices to economic zones. In this way, we hope to make it easier for our integral friends from all regions of the world to come to the conference. References: Europe | World

If your country is not listed and you can’t determine the region, or if you have any questions, write to us:

Frequently Asked Questions

Tickets and access

Please use our registration page. Based upon your choice, the ticket you select will be put in your cart. You can review your order before you purchase at the check-out page.

If you already have a ticket for the live IEC, please see the newsletter we sent you. If by any chance you have not received it, please contact us at

After you have purchased your ticket you get a notification email of the succesful purchase.

Later (a few days before the conference) you will get your entry code to the closed website section of the conference. That is only seen and accessible to those who have a ticket. We will join all sessions and recordings from there.

“ÁFA” is the Hungarian name for VAT (value added tax). All shopping cart items are displayed without tax, with “ÁFA” added at the end. The ÁFA/ VAT only shows up during checkout for billing purposes. All the prices listed on our Details page and during the registration process are the end-prices, with tax included.

Conference specifics and presentations

Normally, IECs are in-person conferences where we gather together physically. Since the COVID pandemic, we have started hosting online IECs, the first of which was held in May 2020. It was a great success, with over 1,000 participants from all over the world, including Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa, and Australia. Because normal international travel is still impossible due to the COVID pandemic, the 2021 conference will be held online again. The next in-person, live gathering is planned for 2022.

The topic this year is “The Future of Collective Evolution”. Of what it means, you can read more description in the Call for Presenters PDF here You can review topics and featured presenters on our landing page here.

The deadline for applications was February 28 th and we have already received many more than we have space for. You could still apply if you feel your offering is very special – integrally informed, fun and entertaining – but the chances that you will be accepted are slim.

In the autumn, we will launch another call for presenters for 2022.

At an online conference, we have a special situation where people can only participate according to their waking hours. Therefore, instead of following the structure and variety of presentations we know from live IEC events, we will focus mainly on one type of presentation format: a 90-minute presentation slot in which theory and practice will be combined. In that way, whether someone joins from Europe, the Americas, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, or Australia, they will be able to participate in at least some of the sessions live and enjoy the exchange in breakout rooms, while watching other presentations as a recording after the conference.

The conference is hosted and produced in Europe; 50% of attendees are Europeans and 50% from the rest of the world. So, we have put the most important keynotes and main evening events in the afternoon and evening hours of CEST (Central European Standard Time zone), which includes Paris, Berlin, Budapest, etc., because that is when most people are awake all around the globe and have the most chance to get together. However, presentations and events are also ongoing throughout the day in Europe, from 8 am CEST to 12 midnight.

All sessions are recorded, and those who have joined the conference and purchased a ticket can access them 48 hours after the live event and up to two months after the conference.

Zoom is our online conference platform. As at the live conferences, for keynote presentations and all community processes we have a main hall, and for other presentations we have parallel rooms. IEC’s Hosting Team will provide both a technical host and a facilitator host for each presentation. Presenters will be provided with details about how to contact their hosts to prepare the session for a smooth experience. If you are an experienced online facilitator and would like to become part of this team, please email us.

At live IEC conferences, there is a complex format with multiple types of offerings, slots, and events, with two days of pre-conference workshops, keynotes, and 20-minute TED-style talks in the mornings, long experiential workshops in the afternoons, and community events in the evenings.For the Online IEC we made it much simpler to accommodate different time zones and the online Zoom format. There is only one main type of 90-minute presentation slot, and there are no thematic categories in the application.

a) Standard presentation: 90-minute presentation

Presenters will all have a 90-minute Zoom session. We ask all presenters to combine their lecture with some experiential exercises and opportunities to share in breakout rooms. The nature of a mature integral experience includes both the mind and the body, sense and soul, understanding and feeling, verbal and nonverbal, even sometimes altered states. Often the presenter is also a facilitator, facilitating we-space practices, relational practices, helping people to connect more deeply and authentically, leading guided meditations, having people stand up and move, etc.

b) Keynote presentations

Keynote presentations are 30 minutes long, and selected by conference organizers by invitation. There are only a limited number of these slots. Therefore, there is no formal option for applying for a keynote presentation. Nevertheless, if you feel your offering would fit a keynote, or you wish to suggest a new speaker, you can email our team to inquire.

c) Morning practices

You can also offer morning practices via Zoom, such as meditation, yoga, movement, etc. to start the day with some centering, purifying, spiritual practice. This means CEST morning time, but anyone can join from other continents—for them it might be a daytime or evening session. There are still slots open for this type of offering.

d) Art presentations

The presence of beauty through art is very important to us for a truly integral experience. If you are an artist and have ideas how this can work in an online format, please apply through the online form (and if you have an idea how to integrate it into a workshop or otherwise, email us directly). We will probably not have an online gallery like last time, but we are still open to creative ideas and input.

It will be the same as last year (all times are CEST Central European Summer Time):

7:00-8:00 Morning meditation or yoga
8:00-9:00 Open coffee bar
9:00-10:30 Presentations / workshops
11:00-12:30 Presentations / workshops
13:00-14:30 Lunchtime socializer
13:00-15:00 (only Sunday) Dating event
16:00-17:30 Keynotes
18:00-19:30 Presentations / workshops
20:00-21:30 Presentations / workshops
22:00-00:00 Different evening events / socializers

Yes, the recordings of all sessions will be available for all participants for 2 months after the conference.

AUDIO & VIDEO – In order for you to enjoy your presence fully and join conversations, you’ll need a microphone as well as a camera. Built-in cameras on laptops, tablets, and smartphones are fine; built-in microphones are usually not so fine, so for better audio we recommend using a headset with a microphone!

DEVICE – Laptops and PCs are better than smartphones (including iPhones) because the screen is bigger and you can see more people without having to scroll a lot, making the communal experience better. You’ll also have better access to Zoom control buttons.

INTERNET – As for internet connection, it’s best to have stable, strong cable internet. Second best is strong wifi. Third (not so stable) are SIM cards. Usually, if you can watch videos on YouTube or video chat via Skype, you should have no trouble joining the conference.

ZOOM – Make sure you install Zoom on your device before IEC and try it out, test it!

Yes, you may ask questions of the presenters during the presentations in the live stream or live Zoom chat. Each session will be hosted by a Zoom Tech Host and a Facilitator Host, and they will give instructions in the call / or in the info email on how to participate in an interactive way. Most sessions will be interactive.

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