Thomas Hübl, Germany
spiritual teacher
Anette Kaiser, Germany
spiritual teacher
Ken Wilber, USA
founder of integral theory
Stanislav Grof, Erica McKenzie, Ted Esser, Katie Mottram, Rozalia Kovacs Napier
Anette Kaiser, Germany
spiritual teacher
Erica McKenzie, USA
spiritual teacher
Yvonne Cuneo, United Kingdom
Findhorn Foundation Management Team, Building Bridges Team
Peter Merry, Hans Andeweg, USA
Chief Innovation Officer at Ubiquity University, founder of the Center for Human Emergence
Jennifer Baird, United Kingdom
Ferencz Irisz, Hungary
visionary artist and alternative therapist
Joran Oppelt, USA
Founder of Integral Church
Anouk Brack, Netherlands
International expert in embodying integral leadership
Katie Mottram, Rozalia Kovacs-Napier, Ted Esser
International Spiritual Emergence Network
Anouk Brack, Netherlands
International expert in embodying integral leadership