AQtivating Soul Power: Wholing City Metacrisis
In our action research design workshop we explore how Soul Power reframes wholeness for cities facing Metacrisis. We first question – “What?” is the challenge? We’ll consider why cities seem to be fragmented, climate threatened, at war, polluted, biodiversity deserts, chaotic, destructive and disrespectful. Then we’ll ask: “So What?” How do these conditions catalyse cultural […]
Finding Wholeness in Education: A Place for Us
This presentation shares our experience of educating from wholeness at our arts and nature-based integral education project for underprivileged children in rural India. A Place for Us integrates physical, emotional, cognitive, relational and spiritual dimensions of learning, addressing the whole child within socio-cultural realities. Our programme provides nourishing food, basic literacy and numeracy skills, incorporating […]
Urbanism & the Integral Lens of Patrick Geddes
Urbanization is one of the great trends in the history of homo-sapiens and planet Earth itself, and by the end of this century some three-quarters of all people are expected to be living in cities. This has potentially profound implications for the evolution of humans and the biosphere. As such, urbanization is a rich topic […]
Exploring Integral Coherence
This presentation argues that in order to uplevel the collective capacity of social change agents for transforming a metacrisis into a metamorphosis, we need to practice field intelligence that enhances and generates more coherence within and across networks and systems. It presents questions and insights from an ongoing European action research project which explores the […]
Clare Graves Legacy: Pillars of Integral Thought
The work of psychologist Clare Graves, a professor at Union College in New York, represented an early contribution to developmental psychology. Ken Wilber has acknowledged the value of Graves’ work as informing different aspects of the AQAL metatheory and its applications. This presentation based on work of a team of scholars with the Graves archives […]
Transcending Purpose: Purposeless Meaning in Life
Novel research explored how two essential aspects of human experience relate to each other: (a) one’s stage of psychosocial maturity (operationalized through integral ego development stages), and (b) one’s conception and experience of meaning in their life. The study suggests that adults at postconventional stages of ego development experience and conceive of meaning-in-life in a […]
Integral’s Technology Problem: How Do We Grow Next
Integral’s Technology Problem: How Do We Grow Next The modern integral movement has been marked by late-adoption tendencies and the inability to innovate from the same ‘leading-edges’ of consciousness which we ostensibly espouse when it comes to technology. This tendency has endemic properties and must be addressed formally in order to support the involution necessary […]
Summary of research studies on the STAGES model
STAGES is a relatively new developmental model created by Terri O’Fallon, which extends Loevinger’s ego development model and assessment framework. It adds additional stage levels and includes theory of four foundational parameters underpinning all stage transitions, which was inspired by Wilber’s quadrant model. In this presentation we will summarize a number of research studies of, […]
Navigating through the topography of work
During the workshop, the participants will be provoked about the global changes in the context of work and the meta crisis by different perspectives and stages. It will also stimulate them to reflect on the results of the Topography of Work research (theme of the Keynote presentation) and their own experience of the meaning of […]
The topography of Work: an integral experiment
The meta-crisis we are going through casts an enormous shadow and uncertainty over the meaning and configuration of Work. And this theme is fundamental since it is one of the main elements connecting the micro-world of individuals with the macro-world of organizations and politics. Work directly affects Integral health, as well, the global economy and […]