Shadow, Sex and Wisdom – Integral (Hero’s) Journey

There are clear structures within the pathway of self development and towards awakening. The common aspect in all approaches is the confrontation with one’s shadows, the work with counter-sexual energies (Anima/Animus) and finally the deep dive into infinte wisdom, which often also is refered to as Non-Duality. This three sequences of shadow-work, integrating inner polarities, […]

Doletiontherapy,a traumafriendly way of letting go

Doletiontherapy is based on the fact, that every trauma, as little or as big as it is, virtually every experience, has an effect on the epigenicity of our DNA. Which has subsequently an effect on our thinking, on our emotions and on our physical well-being. Studies on transgenerational trauma inheritance show that this is also […]

Mindful practice for conscious climate action

Awareness and concern about climate change exists. Yet, when we move through our daily lives, our actions often don’t match that concern. In this experiential workshop, we will slow down what is going on in that values-to-action gap. Using an integral voice dialogue process, we will dance around the poles of awareness and unawareness, attachment […]

Navigating through the topography of work

During the workshop, the participants will be provoked about the global changes in the context of work and the meta crisis by different perspectives and stages. It will also stimulate them to reflect on the results of the Topography of Work research (theme of the Keynote presentation) and their own experience of the meaning of […]

Being an awareness-based instrument of change

How YOU transform into your own awareness-based instrument of change or a complex world “problem solver”? How a learning became a practice, which became a process that became a training, which became consultation and a coaching tool which became an awareness-based instrument of change, which you were in the beginning with. This is Self-transformation through […]

Embody Your True Self: Awaken through VR & beyond

We, at Infinity Speaks, are delighted to invite you to an interactive 3 hour pre-conference workshop. Given these intense times, the workshop’s purpose is to create spaces for people to connect more deeply with their true self, embody more inner peace and togetherness. There will be three journeys for each participant to experience: • An […]

Harmonious Universe: Music, Movement & Mindfulness

HARMONIOUS UNIVERSE is a mindful movement album written by Haley Dawn. After 15 years of bringing programs to young people internationally, Haley transformed her FLY curriculum into a musically led practice.  Haley has led workshops & listening parties for humans of all ages to discover the deeper messages & meanings embedded in the music. She […]

The topography of Work: an integral experiment

The meta-crisis we are going through casts an enormous shadow and uncertainty over the meaning and configuration of Work. And this theme is fundamental since it is one of the main elements connecting the micro-world of individuals with the macro-world of organizations and politics. Work directly affects Integral health, as well, the global economy and […]

Discover Your Purpose at Tier 2 Consciousness

Awakening planetary consciousness starts with individuals like you and me. It starts with awakening our purpose in life. But the question is: Do you know what your life purpose is now? And how does it need to evolve to bring about the kind of change necessary for this global shift in consciousness? Well, as you […]

The Six Dimensions of Purpose & Tier 2 Awakening

As you know, life is not one-dimensional, and neither is your purpose in life. In fact, it shows up in multiple dimensions as an integration of AQAL quadrants, levels, and lines of development. The Six Dimensions of Purpose is a framework for discovering purpose in life. When used with integral theory, it is a powerful […]

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