Translating Integral into Everyday Language
The discovery and control of fire by humans was a long and convoluted process, starting approximately 1,5 million years ago, and culminating in a small, pocket-sized lighter. Like the fire we can now carry in our pockets, the endurance and participation of any complex phenomenon in our day to day living is dependent on whether […]
Awareness Meditation for Later Stages’ Descending
Our self is a co-constructed cultural & individual phenomenon. We interpret our experience through previously known symbols & chains of meanings. Each stage assures radical shift of meaning-making structure which incorporates previous stages’ experience. Interstage transition is not subject to awareness and, as many other mental processes, is guided by the unconscious and shadow. Meditation […]
Wholeness through Philosophy and Quantum Mechanics
Attaining structures of consciousness that can “see” wholeness is essential to becoming Whole rather than a composite of parts. Also, since Structures are mainly a function of the mind, and philosophy can be considered a discipline that studies how our minds deal with 6 essential areas of life (What is Reality? What is Knowledge? What […]
From Primal to the Divine – Performance Art
Multidisciplinary site specific performance installation. illustrates the importance of transcending our belief systems and revealing what is left beyond the body and beyond our thoughts. Creating a fantastic world for ‘the performer’ to live in and embody the 4 quadrant and Orders of Consciousness based on the work of Robert Kegan and Ken Wilber. Incorporating […]
We-Flow: A Transformative We-Space Experience
“What if We-Spaces held the key to true “Wholeness”? What if we could integrate daily life into each moment, while experiencing meaningful human connection?” Step into We-Flow: an expanded space that empowers you to focus on what matters most, right now! Join our SHOWING-UP Party and experience a playful, transformative workshop. Discover and experiment with […]
The Pauli-Jung Conjecture
In the early 20th century, physicist W. Pauli and psychoanalyst C. G.Jung engaged in a remarkable intellectual partnership, delving into the enigmatic realm of synchronicities. Through a sustained dialogue spanning several decades, they sought to illuminate the subtle interplay between the so-called ‘Inner World’ of the psyche and the ‘Outer World’ of physical reality. By […]
We-Flow: Integral We-Space for Business
If awakening is a collective rather than an individual matter, we need to look at the contexts where most collective effort is currently being spent, one of them being: workplaces & organizations. In We-Flow, we have addressed the question of how we can connect the gifts of the individual to a larger network of gifted […]
Psychotherapy, Spirituality and Shadow
Explore the complex adaptive system of Psychotherapy, Spirituality, and Shadow in this dynamic presentation. What are the differences, the similarities, and the complex interactive dynamics of these 3 pillars of consciousness? What role may Psychotherapy have in Spiritual development? What effects does Shadow have on the Spiritual life? How might Spirituality improve one’s Psychology? Explore […]
DIE & GET RE-BORN: Unleash the power of darkness
We are all seeking the light – we are all striving for true freedom, happiness & inner fulfilment, yet it´s collectively a striving from a place of victimhood and scarcity. We are dreaming about an easygoing and abundant life while ignoring that ease & abundance have always been with us. Back then, when we were […]
From Sucess to Significance – Integral Leadership
The world is at a tipping point. It is burning in so many ways – ecologically, economically, societally, spiritually etc. – and is becoming more and more polarized. Thus being able to tip in any direction at any point. We are in need of a new style of leadership which can tackle the challenges we […]