Wholistic Regeneration: Evolutionary Sh*t Show

A new era of Regenerative Community is growing beyond the Exterior focus of traditional environmentalism, to include our individual and collective Interior landscapes. Members of the leading edge of the global eco communities movement have joined with digital visionaries, and have been co-creating Intentional nodes of human growth & development. We are doing the “hard” […]

Integral Awareness & Energy Field Psychotherapy

In this Integral Awareness Meditation (IAM) experience we will dive into essentials of expansive contemplation that allows you to integrate deeper states of consciousness (including flow & non-dual states) with everyday activities—such as not just your personal meditation practice but also work, interpersonal communication, and group energy field awareness. You’ll explore thoughts, feelings, sensations, and […]

Finding wholeness in addiction care

As a nurse working with people with addictions, I have long struggled to find my place in a system that has been created and evolved in response to the truth that addiction present a crisis, an out-of-control situation that is excruciating and devastating for the sense of the individual, others and the relational fabric of […]

Integral Politics: how can we make it happen?

(Abstract to be edited in two weeks) Following Elke Fein, Karen O’Brien and Integral Politics Switzerland presentations, how can we make it happen both in our personal context and in Europe?

RBDSM:Explore yr tender clarity in new connections

Join us in a transformative workshop to create safer spaces where you can authentically express yourself and connect more freely with others. Learn tools to embody your sovereignty in complex relational dynamics by communicating your needs, desires, and boundaries while deeply listening to others. True consent requires clarity—knowing the meaning, context, and potential consequences of […]

How Hidden Source-Holarchies Shape Organizations

Formal structures (LR) do not fully explain how leadership actually emerges in organizations.Social systems naturally generate informal leadership hierarchies (LL), which often remain unconscious but have a profound impact on individual influence, collective decision-making, and team effectiveness. In this keynote, Tobias shares his journey as a systemic constellation facilitator in search of the underlying leadership […]

Source Leadership: Your role in holarchic fields

Leadership doesn’t simply happen in org charts – it arises in the invisible spaces between people. The theory of Source (according to Peter König) shows how social fields emerge and work around projects. It makes informal hierarchies tangible and explains how they can differ based on context. This makes it easier to resolve leadership challenges […]

ALL My Relations- You Me We This

This short conscious movement workshop will provide a safe environment to explore relationship dynamics through the body. Are your relationships loving, compassionate and exciting?  OR are you repeating the same patterns over and over? Living in the past? Fearing intimacy? Getting stuck in dead ends? Is showing vulnerability a challenge? What are your relationship blind […]

Bringing wholeness to politics with Deep Democracy

Deep Democracy is a powerful tool for addressing shadow dimensions in groups and the larger society. In this interactive workshop, I will first give a short introduction to the principles of a new, integral paradigm of doing politics. The first principle is about including more perspectives, especially the inner quadrants. Based on the work of […]

Wholeness in politics – surfing the polarities

The world is craving for re-connection and healing in all areas. As we approach the climax of late modern consciousness, the collateral damages that this structure of consciousness has – and is bringing about every day – become ever more clearly visible. We see division all around us, in all areas, across the globe. It […]

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