Psychologist and psychotherapist, member and presenter in the Neuropsychanalyis International Society, specialized in Jungian psychodrama, nonverbal communication, psychomotricity, music drama, music and art therapy, pet therapy, spiritual healer and researcher, teacher of inner growth; her practice spans more than 30 years of a broad scope of healing methods. She has lots of experience in psychiatric field because of she worked for a long time in the National Health Service in different psychiatric communities where she had also organizational tasks, was a speaker in some conferences and won scholarships and researcher grants. She was also psychological consultant at the court. From 1992 she teaches in Damanhur University, as well as several locations in Italy, Germany, Slovenija, Serbia, Croatia, Austria, Ireland Norway, Hungary and Bulgaria, Greece, Brasil, Bali and Australia. Some subjects are: Inner Personalities, Healing, the Path of the Quests, interpretation of a star drawing, Music of the Plants, Ancient civilizations, Beyond the life (about the death), Masculine and Feminine, etc.
She lives in the spiritual eco-community of Damanhur since 1989.
The field of healing by Damanhurians paradigms is one of its specific areas of research, results are shared within Damanhurian Spiritual and Healers Schools to be applied to those who want to improve their own welfare and personal growth.