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Leadership mentor and former Fortune 100 executive Dorianne Cotter-Lockard, PhD teaches mindful leadership, creativity at work, and ethics at Saybrook University, and conducts research on the topics of spirituality in the workplace, collaboration, leadership, human development, organization development, and music. She is a member of the Integral Scholars Consortium and is on the faculty to certify coaches in the SQ21 Spiritual Intelligence assessment. Her publications include Authentic Leadership and Followership: International Perspectives, “Collective Virtuosity: Lessons in Personal and Small Group Transformation from Classical Chamber Musicians” in J. Neal (Ed.), Handbook of Personal and Organizational Transformation, “Schutz’s Mutual Tuning-In Relationship: Forming a ‘We Presence’ in Music Performance” in Schutzian Research. Her next book, The Art of Collaboration: Chamber Music Rehearsal Techniques for Teambuilding will be published by Oxford University Press.