Spending my adolescent years on the early internet, I’ve had the pleasure of being confused in a time when Ken Wilber youtube videos existed. By the time I starting a psychology undergrad in one of UK’s top 10 universities, I’ve worked with Philip Zimbardo, became coach, and I was determined to ponder spiral dynamics, the tao and (or rather in) altered states in a professional context. To my disappointment, none of the professors had known Wilber, nor Beck, Kegan, Cook-Greuter, neither were my course mates into these juicy abstractions. So as covid hit the 3rd term of my first year, I moved on and joined the 3 year Integral Psychology course at home, in Budapest. Along with my personal processes and explorations of my age related topics, I specialised in integrating mediums, memes, generations. Became a speaker, as well as a Gen Z group facilitator.