
Victor Jivanescu is a psychedelic experience integration guide, a teacher of integrative practice and facilitator of transformative events. He is a former strategy consultant with a keen interest and published research in psychedelic transformation and integration.

He initially studied philosophy at Oxford University and more recently he graduated with a MSc degree from Alef Trust, focusing on consciousness studies and transpersonal psychology. His commitment to making consciousness studies and integrative practice more widespread determined him to co-found an NGO dedicated to this mission in Romania in 2017.

As of 2022, Victor started collaborating with the MIND Foundation as a Beyond Experience and Footsteps facilitator as well as Alef Trust as an integrative practice facilitator for their holistic change maker program. Victor aims to be a part of a new culture of consciousness – one that strives for wholeness, integrity, responsibility, and impact – all within the context of using and integrating the insight from altered state experiences, psychedelic or otherwise.