KRAUSE, Wanda Dr.
Wanda Krause, PhD, is Program Head of the MA in Global Leadership, and Associate Professor in the School of Leadership Studies Program at Royal Roads University. Wanda has written, co-written and edited five books. Her passions are empowerment, leadership, management, evaluation, civil society, success, mindfulness and politics. She’s been involved in the founding of two […]
KORAL, Cihan
Cihan performs as a facilitator/unconsultant, holding spaces with ToU, Deep Democracy, AoH, Sociocracy, Way of Circle and NVC…She focuses on the inclusiveness and restorative aspect of human rights for all individuals and communities, either via her personal work or through NGO Hasat(Harvest) where she is a co-founder.
Studying Integral Psychology at Integral Academy in Hungary put her to a path of working with people from a holistic point of view through integrating Western psychology and spirituality as a Spiritual Counsellor. Going through her own spiritual crisis, she became one of the Founder Members of the International Spiritual Emergence Network. She is on […]
KISS, Olga Dr.
Olga Kiss, PhD is a philosopher, executive, and existential coach. She is an Assistant Professor at Corvinus University and and theaches in the Business Coaching program of the University of Pecs. She is a member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council Hungary, of which she was the Vice President of Research previously. She was […]
Péter Kemény Integral Coach and Systemic Constellation Facilitator. He is a teacher and school founder of Integral Constellation method with Nóra Bedő in Budapest. He specializes in family constellations and healing processes, working not only with family patterns, but also on karmic and collective levels. He co-facilitated the two European constellations in 2016 and 2018 […]
My name is Zoltán Kerényi-Kiss, co-founder and facilitator of Ecstatic Dance Budapest. Integrated Dance & Expression Therapist in training Integral Life Consultant a passionate mover, regularly dancing various modalities eg. 5Rhythms, Movement Medicine, Open Floor, Soul Motion, Contact Improvisation, Biodanza and also contemporary dance classes My intention is to create safe and inspiring spaces for […]
Organization designer, purpose coach & culture expert. He works with leaders, change-makers and their organizations applying his Purpose Inspired Transformation methodology. He co-founded Europe’s favorite festival when he was 20. His startup Carnation Group was acquired by WPP. His 3rd co. Darwin’s Marketing Evolution is based on his PhD using meme science to transform […]
HUNT, Barbara J
Barbara J Hunt is a forgiveness specialist and bestselling author of Forgiveness Made Easy – a secular ethics approach to a much-misunderstood, underutilised superhuman practice. As a coach and transformational facilitator, she works in private practice and on bespoke retreats in the UK specialising in helping her clients free their hearts and come to peace […]
HÖSS, Martina
In 2003, after having painted many layers of colour, Martina Höss stepped back to look at her painting, when suddenly the image disappeared into a white canvas and only flowing energy was visible to her. This was one of the key moments that sparked Martina’s deep enthusiasm for painting. Since 1997 she has exhibited in over 40 solo and group exhibitions. She is a well-established artist in Austria and has sold her work in 10 different countries. She specializes in healing […]
HORKICS, Edina Magdolna
As I am not only a language teacher but a student at the Integral Academy in Hungary too, my main field of interest is efficient learning by means of spirituality and self-knowledge. After getting to know my students, I choose the methods that are appropriate for their levels of development.