MORAIS, Raquel

I was born in 1996 in Portugal. I’m finishing my master’s in Environmental Education. I believe that Environmental Education is a strong way of changing mentalities and the world. I graduated in Biology and love field work. I made a GEN Training of Trainers in Estonia and I’m one of the GEN Ambassadors in Portugal. […]


Kai joined the integral scene and his first shadow group in beginning of 2012. He was founder and board member of the Association for Integral Life Switzerland in 2012, where he has been leading shadow groups since 2015 and created the format Shadow Busters in 2017. In 2018 he founded the IntegralWorks Inc together with […]


Currently a Professor of Design Leadership in the School of Design Strategies at Parsons School of Design. Lisa Norton is a member of the Deliberately Developmental Practitioner Network, Deep Adaptation Forum, Participatory Agility Working Group, and a fellow of Studio at the Edge of the World. Her forthcoming book, Design Being, is an invitation to […]


Terri is a partner of STAGES International, which creates programs based on the STAGES model. Terri holds MS degrees in Special Education and Spiritual direction with a Ph.D. in Integral Transformative Learning and Change. Her interests lie in the living experiments of evolutionary human systems, levels of development from cradle to grave, and the interpenetration […]

PALUCKI, Patrick

Patrick is an inventor, consciousness researcher and artist. He has pioneered brain computer interfaces for learning meditation techniques. He engaged in interdisciplinary research and development with neuroscientists and was a member of the research-lab led by Dr. M.A. Persinger. He has presented & exhibited at various science conferences including in Silicon Valley and at Harvard.


Paddy has spent her life T work facilitating the growth of consciousness & healing in her person, & with others in the roles as psychologist, coach, teacher, leader& integral facilitator/practitioner. Using a unique adaptation of Wilber’s Integral Theory in her work, she has become a thought leader & recognised as a pioneer in the field […]

PRETSCH, Franziska Maria

I’m a qualified Social Worker, Philosopher, NLP Practitioner & Life Coach and Advanced Systemic Constellations Facilitator. My passion is my work on integral health which includes our connections to our ancestors, as well as our connection to nature and life. With integral gardens I want to enhance our energetic well being and health in our […]


Eric Reynolds received his MA in Transformative Leadership from the California Institute of Integral Studies and his PhD at Saybrook University in Organizational Systems with a specialization in leadership and sustainability. As a transdisciplinary scholar of Next-Stage Organizations, and Executive Editor of Integral Leadership Review, he passionately bridges the many silos of human knowing, being, […]



I met and fell in love with KW’s work in 1983, the year I started meditating and practising yoga. I have worked as a psychotherapist since 1997, much of this time from the Manchester Institute For Psychotherapy. I have qualified in several modalities including Certified Integral Psychotherapist. I have worked as an Associate Life Coach […]