Venerable Shimo Sraman is a Buddhist Monk and mindfulness master. He studied for a bachelor of arts at the religious studies department and pursued his Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies at Graduate School, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand. Also, he obtained a Mindfulness master’s diploma from International Buddhist Studies College, Thailand. Ven. Sraman is currently associated with playing an active role in multiple remote aboriginal peoples and neglected Buddhists. His field of work is mainly peace studies, conflict management, peaceful means, socio-cultural development, developing human values, and retaining a calm mind by practicing moral conduct and ethical perspective followed by righteous religious teachings. He is now a teacher at Wat Mai Amatarot School, Bangkok, Thailand. In addition, venerable Shimo Sraman is currently active as an independent scholar, namely a few articles and papers has been delivered by him at national and international conferences.