Title of contribution:

Making to Unknow – Art, Growth & Observational Leadership

Where & when:

Ibiza II.

Thursday, 24th May

Project: Making to Unknow – Art, Growth & Observational Leadership

PART OF THE IF TRACK: Roll up your sleeves and immerse in a facilitated sequence of drawing and collage instruction designed to reveal and challenge perceptions and conventional thinking. The experience is shaped to develop openness and tolerance for ambiguity, disruption and iteration, and to experience new capacities and greater opportunity through adaptation and new sense-making.

As facilitative leaders, we can both expand and sharpen what we see, hear, notice, and absorb from environments. Expanding perceptions and holding multiple perspectives can grow the self-as-instrument, revealing more information and possibility, such that we can react differently under pressure, change faster, offer new way perspectives to others, and lean into uncertainty.

In this workshop, we will:
Make art
Challenge conventional thinking
Generate new mental models
Reframe challenges, problems and opportunities
Lead through openness, trust and tolerance for ambiguity
Experiment, iterate and adapt

About Aithan Shapira:

Aithan founded Making to Think to advise executives of Fortune 500s on leadership strategies by bringing time- and science-tested techniques from the arts to learn to see and listen from new perspectives. At MIT Sloan, his top-rated leadership course stems from 15 years as a professional artist, pioneering research on creative process at the Royal College of Art & Design, and living with Aboriginal Australians to study innovation in cultures of survival.


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