Title of contribution:

Teal Breakthroughs – a Case Study

Where & when:

Marabella I.

Thursday, 24th May

Project: Teal breakthroughs and organizational transformation

Evolutionary purpose, self management and wholeness are the breakthroughs that define teal organizations. But they can be also understood as emergent characteristics in organizations in previous evolutionary stages.
The Sustainable Organization Research Group (GIOS), at Technical University of Madrid, has defined a research case studies methodology, based on Laloux model, for ambar, orange/green and teal oriented organizations. The objective of this metodolology is to explore the emergence of teal breakthroughs as organizational innovation. In this article we present some result of three case studies: Conservatory of Barcelona, as part of a local government (ambar); Everis, a transformation and technology consultant (orange- green); and Infojobs-Schibsted Spain, an online jobs marketplaces multinational (teal oriented).

About Ana Moreno:

Ana Moreno Romero is a Professor in the Industrial Organization and Management Science at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) in the in the areas of business organizations, human resource management and corporate social responsibility (CSR). She is also an executive coach. She started her career as a systems engineer in IBM, and in 1999 founded the consulting firm ENRED working on various aspects of the Information Society affecting Government, the private sector and civil society.


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