Title of contribution:

Our Reality in the Mirror of Archetypes

Where & when:

Ibiza I.

Tuesday, 22nd May

Project: Our Reality in the Mirror of Archetypes -with aspect of shadow and non-duality mind

Using archetypes, we will look into themes which eternally generate interest, such as the inner man and inner woman (animus and anima), the dynamisms between perpetrators and victims which was amplified in the #metoo campaign as well, the secrets and the silence engulfing violence and rape, meeting and integrating our own shadow personalities and torn off soul parts, questions of identity in the theme of masculinity and femininity, also referring to the fact that men can also become victims of violence by women. We will circumambulate these themes in a joint constellation session, which will start as an ancient story about Adam and Eve.
Another aspect of mirroring will be supported by a technological solution. The session will be projected in real time upon the wall using a camera, and participants will be able to view their own physical manifestations any minute, which could bring more insights to them. The session will be accompanied by live music.

About Anna T. Melocco:

I am committed to Hellinger’s system, the unity of body-soul-spirit, which is the vehicle of healing and being healed. I have based my work to gather experiences to support all three. BODY: craniosacral treatment, Yoga teacher training, Shiatsu, Five Rhythms dance, bodywork, Oriental martial arts, SOUL: modelling destiny-Hellinger therapist training course, Reiki, NLP, logotherapy, Buddhist teacher training. SPIRIT: Zen-meditation and Dzogchen practice.


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