Title of contribution:

Peace Building in Colombia: an Application of the Integral Model to the Peace Process

Where & when:

Play Room

Sunday, 27th May

Project: Peace building in Colombia: an application of the integral model to the Peace Process

After long peace negotiations, the Colombian government and the FARC-guerrilla signed a peace agreement in November 2016. Currently, the country is facing great challenges: rebuilding the country and establishing sustainable peace.

As a consultant, I work for the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace and for 26 municipalities. In the context of the Integral Approach, I realised that the officials working there are focussed in the exterior and collective quadrants. My objective would be to open a new perspective for these people, so that they better understand different realities. The approach combines tools of all 4 quadrants which works magic for this pragmatic topic!

About Raul Aramayo:

Born in Bolivia, Raul Aramayo has studied social and economic science in Russia and a master in NLP in Spain. He has worked as consultant for different development cooperation projects (in the area of governance and environment) and is founder of Centro Integral Colombia and Pragmagia (Bolivia), both companies dedicated to the application of AQAL to social processes. He has also developed his own teaching programme on Integral Facilitation.

Website: http://pragmagia1.businesscatalyst.com/index.html

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