SIEBERArmin (Switzerland)

Title of contribution:

A Matrix for self-management

and Sociocracy 3.0

Teaching is

Touching the Future

Where & when:

Marabella I.

Thursday, 24th 15:30-16:30

Toscana II.

Friday, 25th 11:30-13:30

A Matrix for self-management and Sociocracy 3.0

Teaching is Touching the Future • adaptive building blocks
from theory to everyday Teal inspired education

By self experiencing specific elements that nurture Teal education we prepare a space where we exchange and co-create Next Practices for adaptive intelligent steps in school development.

As a first step, we dive directly into a constellation exercise that allows us to sense the fertile diversity within ourselves as well as within the group. The outcome of the constellation on learning preferences will determine the structure and flow of the following steps. Covering the range of guided presentation, simulations, small group exchanges, … we create a space where individual and collective learning happens. The goal of the workshop is to inspire and empower participants to (re-)invent and adapt elements that nurture a Teal mindset and meet their specific needs and contexts.

About Armin Sieber

Armin Sieber is fascinated by the never ending quest for new ways to facilitate learning and support personal as well as organizational growth.

Throughout his different roles as teacher, headmaster, OD consultant, facilitating personal or organizational growth is his great passion. Together with a team of highly committed teachers and staff members at Integrale Tagesschule Winterthur, Switzerland, he embarked on the journey to explore what future-oriented and Teal inspired education might look like. In workshops and writings they share openly their findings and experiences to support and encourage others in finding their own way.


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