Title of contribution:

An Integral Sustainable Design approach (Acad)

Where & when:


Saturday, 26th May

Project: An Integral Sustainable Design (ISD) approach to human inhabitation of architectural spaces

An integrally-informed, Wilber-influenced approach to expanding the study of occupant behaviour beyond building science. Occupants are a main reason why predicted and actual building energy performance deviate significantly. Existing research focuses on UR approach. This research project develops an integral methodology for transdisciplinary inquiry of occupants’ experience and action in architectural space (see support graphics), with regard to their experience of nature and natural forces. Each quadrant has two research questions; each question, a method from architectural design, building science, cultural theory, place phenomenology or social psychology. Spatial-temporal patterns form an integrating frame among perspectives. Example (UL): What are the patterns of individual occupant experience? Method: cognitive mapping, wearable video analysis, speak-aloud protocols. We conclude with defining hypotheses for architectural inhabitation from sixteen prospects (Kosmic addresses).

About Astrid Roetzel:

Astrid Roetzel, Lecturer in Architectural Sustainability, researches in the field of human-building interactions and their environmental and architectural implications. Her aim is to understand how humans, architectural environments and natural environments interact and integrate. She has a particular interest in the synergies between human experience and behaviour, architectural design, and environmental implications emerging through an integral approach.

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