
Title of contribution:

Evolutionary Insight™: a “fast-track” integral diagnostics of organizations

Winding path towards world-centric Ukraine.

Where & when:

Play Room
Wednesday, 23rd 09:00-10:30

Toscana I.
Thursday, 24th 12:00-14:00

Evolutionary Insight™: a “fast-track” integral diagnostics of organizations

This presentation outlines the idea and structure of the Evolutionary Insight™ workshop that is designed to help leaders obtain valuable insights, raise awareness, and gain new momentum for their personal and organizational evolution. It addresses organizational challenges and is tapping into its potential by using an Integral AQAL Map. It is a “fast-track” solution for organizations that are not willing (or ready) to engage in complex, lengthy and often expensive diagnostic activities, but are open to having a quick look at themselves from different new perspectives. The workshop is based on the Integral theory, the Theory U and the Action inquiry approach – a process of transformational learning that helps leaders and organizations perform in more effective, mutual and sustainable ways.

Winding path towards world-centric Ukraine.

Ukraine is one of the key places in the world where clash of civilisations is unfolding.
In 2013-2014 Ukraine, the biggest country in Europe, went through the Revolution of Dignity, rising against…
In 2014 it lost part of it’s territory and was drawn into a lasting military conflict in the East of Ukraine.
Is there any space for Integral consciousness to emerge and strengthen in such context of deep political, economic and social crises? The answer is YES. Since 2015 Ukraine many bright Integral thinkers and practitioners visited and did workshops Ukraine. Interest towards Integral is constantly growing in the fields of education, business and leadership. We will share a story of emergence of Integral community in Ukraine, fostered by training and consulting company U-Integral and NGO “International Institute for Integral Development” that helps reform secondary education in Ukraine on Integral principles.

About Buciunas Vytautas

Vytautas has vast experience as a top manager in the banking sector in multicultural environment. He worked, inter alia, as the Head of Resident Office, Senior Banker, Associate Director at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Russia, Ukraine) as well as Board member and the Head of Corporate Banking Division at Swedbank (Lithuania, Russia). Co-founder and Managing Partner at U-Integral – training and consulting company based in Ukraine.

Website: http://www.uintegral.com/

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