Diana Claire


Title of contribution:

What is needed for humanity to become Allies of Evolution?

The Conscious Witness Project: Research in The Knowing Field

Where & when:

Ibiza I.
Wednesday, 23rd 09:00-10:30

Friday, 25th 11:30-13:30

What is needed for humanity to become Allies of Evolution?

Is humanity ready to be Allies of Evolution? Or will humanity continue to be Colonizers of Planet Earth? Indigenous Elders from around the world are reminding us that we need to find our own indigenous roots, re-connect with Mother Earth and all Life, and learn how to be conscious witnesses for each other so that we know who we trully are, why we are here and where we are going. Following preparatory exercises , we will do a large group constellation, asking the question to the Knowing Field “What is needed for humanity to become Allies of Evolution?”

The Conscious Witness Project: Research in The Knowing Field

A phenomenalogical research project by two systemic constellation work facilitators to explore the impact of different kinds of witnesses (witnesses who deny, freeze, flee, fight, observe neutrally, and see-beyond- the-pattern)on local and global events. We have done multiple tests using different themes (for example victim-tyrant), and have had consistent results that the witness-who-sees-beyond-the-pattern shifts the social field towards healing. This is an invitation to many to develop their capacity as a conscious witness.

About Diana Claire Douglas

Diana Claire Douglas: is a systemic facilitator (family, organizational, and collective/societal), social architect, artist, writer, and explorer of the depths. On international core teams of The Hague Centre for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence (THC), and Integral City, she co-authored chapters in two books: Integral City: Inquiry and Action, and Cohering the Integral We Space. She is happy to be participating in the emergence of Constellating for the Collective.

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