SHADABFarsam (United States)

Title of contribution:

Integral vs

Silicon Valley

100K Hours of Integral Karma Yoga: Chronic Illness Caregiving At The Leading Edge of Evolution… 

Where & when:

Play Room

Thursday, 24th 12:00-14:00

Marabella II.

Friday, 25th 11:30-13:30

Integral vs Silicon Valley

Wilber’s first books, ‘No Boundary’ and ‘The Spectrum of Consciousness’ set out an understanding of the mystical experience which is accessible to the modern mind as never before. Wilber take the mystery out of mysticism. This is an experiential workshop which will lead you into a clear understanding of the mystical experience, and to realizing that it is the fundamental nature of every moment you can ever experience. The workshop is mainly exercises and meditations, with a little conceptual explanation. You will experience what Steve has termed ‘Retalk’: a fun new language that reflects no-boundary reality. The workshop is open to people of any spiritual tradition, or none. The only requirement is a willingness to experiment; to look

100K Hours of Integral Karma Yoga: Chronic Illness Caregiving At The Leading Edge of Evolution… 

Pushing beyond my bodymind boundaries, and discovering that the impossible was in fact possible, I served the recovery of a chronic disease sufferer toward a real recovery resolution in 100K Hours. Embodied Witnessing consciousness and energetic boundary management enabled unrivaled dedication to the recovery of one chronically ill woman. Discovering the paucity of real solutions for neurological lyme disease (neuroborreliosis), after years of misdiagnosis and misdirections, while caregiving round-the-clock for 7.5 years, I developed an Integral model of caregiving, neurological rehabilitation, Integral chronic suffering assessments, automated neuro-behavioral analysis for regression and a technology platform for delivering these Integral methods globally, sustainably, accessibly and effectively. The future of chronic disease recovery will now be informed by the global network of voluntary caregivers who are estimated to contribute Billions of USD($) worth of unrecognized free service.

About Farsam Shadab

Founder of Enaxion, InterEnactive and the Bay Area’s first Integral Commons (2002-2004; also first in the USA), Farsam Shadab has taken a background in Cognitive Science as well as 20 years of Integral studies (both academic and applied) into the world’s first full-realized Integral platform for “Holonomic” interactivity that marries decentralization tools (Holochain) with holistic AR. In 1998, Farsam also seeded Jimmy Wales with his first concepts for what would become known as Wikipedia.

Website: and

Integral vs Silicon Valley

Wilber’s first books, ‘No Boundary’ and ‘The Spectrum of Consciousness’ set out an understanding of the mystical experience which is accessible to the modern mind as never before. Wilber take the mystery out of mysticism. This is an experiential workshop which will lead you into a clear understanding of the mystical experience, and to realizing that it is the fundamental nature of every moment you can ever experience. The workshop is mainly exercises and meditations, with a little conceptual explanation. You will experience what Steve has termed ‘Retalk’: a fun new language that reflects no-boundary reality. The workshop is open to people of any spiritual tradition, or none. The only requirement is a willingness to experiment; to look

About Steve Banks

Steve is a musician, composer and workshop leader. He has performed with many ensembles from the London Symphony Orchestra to the Carnival Band. He has played for rituals based on Dagara traditions, and has co-led Rites of Passage intensives for men. His new ‘Integral Oratorio’ is probably the first piece of its kind. He has been an Integral and meditation practitioner for 25 years. He has created the experiential course ‘Demystifying Mysticism’ based on Wilber’s work.


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