Title of contribution:

How to use our brain effectively

Where & when:

Ibiza I.

Thursday, 24th May

Project: The 7 Appreciative Perspectives “Things go great when appreciation is present”

This poster presents a collection of short statements based on 7 perspectives. These so called Appreciator’s Perspectives arose from 5 years of shared AI practice and appreciative work.
There is a link to a website with a growing number of additional translations into languages such as French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Polish, Danish…

The Appreciator’s Perspectives were created with the intention to inspire and support experimentation in people’s everyday lives and work. They are an invitation to have fun trying them out as motto for the day, in seminars, in trainings…
They are designed to have the power to deepen, spread and create appreciation and at the same time they represent the values and focus of The Appreciators.

The Focuses:
Appreciation includes everything!
Self-appreciation is the basis
Appreciation activates potentials
Conflicts generate “friction gain”
A unity beyond teamwork
“Truth” in otherness
The essential occurs in the “in-between”

About Gertraud Wegst:

Studies of nutrition, home economics and facility management. Trained consultant, body therapist, AI practitioner, master coach. Led a dietetic center, 4 nursing homes with 600 tenants and was Practice Leader for Germany of an international management consulting firm. Also freelanced since 1982 as consultant and trainer, since 2005 as management coach. Co-founder of Die Wertschaetzer/ The Appreciators with an AI process (8 coaches and AI practitioners). 3 adult daughters and 2 grandchildren.


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