Title of contribution:

The Intersection of Types and Levels

Where & when:

Ibiza II.

Friday, 25th May

Project: Does Type Stay Consistent or Change in Accordance with Level of Development? If so, What Is Constant? What Distinguishes Type from Development?

This research project began with curiosity about Types and Levels. Types are often seen as static, useful only for horizontal development. Our observations revealed that aspects of level descriptions from Spiral Dynamics, Altitudes, ego development, and STAGES seem to reflect typology patterns and vice versa. If the descriptions are similar, what is a Type and what is a Level? What, if any, are the intersections between them? In 2013, Linda outlined a Meta-model of Types and a relationship to development. Finding no comprehensive research to date, we explore Essential Motivators, Interaction Styles, Cognitive Dynamics (3 integrated lenses on 16 Jungian types) and the Enneagram as robust typologies that include a path for vertical development, along with level descriptions, the STAGES and type assessments. See our preliminary research results on the intersections and distinctions of typology and levels, and how this relationship can spark vertical development and evolutionary changes.

About Heidi Helm:

Heidi Helm, MA, visually organizes information and ideas as a web and graphic designer. Ready for her second career she returned to finish a self-designed undergraduate degree in Sustainable Leadership, which lead her to the Masters in Integral Theory at JFK University. Fascinated by why people do what they do, and how the we work together as a collective, she’s putting her organization and visual skills towards research, and the application of personality type in coaching and leadership.

Website: http://flyingspidermonkey.com/

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