HÖRNLEIN, Heidi (Italy)

Title of contribution:

How can you bring your message into the world?

Growing Older at Any Age                                                                     

Where & when:

Thursday, 24th 12:00-14:00

Saturday, 26th 12:00-14:00

How can you bring your message into the world? – A journey into visibility from all 4 perspectives

We all wish that people grow into higher levels of development because we believe that this can resolve many problems we are facing in the world today. We have gained many insights and developed practices which can help our own development and that of others. We are passionate in our attempt to tell others about what we have discovered and we hope that they get ignited by what we share and that they get inspired and supported in their own growth process.
Some of us are connected with “established” platforms and succeed to be heard and seen by a larger audience but most of us are struggling to find participants for the next workshop or readers for our last paper or post.
I will talk about my own experience as an example for the journey into visibility, about the motivation and inspiration, about the stages of development. I will also share knowledge about the resources which I have gathered along the journey and offer my assistance to become visible and find a channel for being noticed.

Growing Older at Any Age

Aided by still slides from our many video interviews (full guest list at TheWisdomFactory.net) we explore what growing older is revealing itself to be, a process that begins in the womb and continues sometimes smoothly, sometimes not, throughout life. Some changes are “simply” biological (birth, puberty, menopause, etc.), others happen within a supportive (or not!) social context.
While huge additional numbers of older than 65’s (“traditional” retirement agers) not only change the economics of pensions and medical care, we now know that as a group, older people are generally happier than younger people (not at all what the young project!) Residential arrangements go far beyond the traditional retirement “communities” or the not yet extinct “warehousing” approaches of many public facilities. Rather, the elderly are now a political bloc who actually VOTE, demanding a mature say in how they will live rather than accepting the designs of young bureaucrats. Can we live to 150 or more

About Heidi Hörnlein

Experienced Human Being for 65 years, interested in learning about quite as long.
MA in Linguistics and Communication at the Technische Universität Berlin,
Soprano Concert Singer as soloist and professional choirs in Germany and Italy,
Voice teacher, choir leader and Voice-therapist in Italy for 25 years.
Licensed Gestalt Counselor for 10 years.
Relationship- and Feminine Power Coach for 7 years.
Tech learner since 4+ years, resulting in Video live broadcasting and Website creation.

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