RAWLINSON, Helen (Australia)

Title of contribution:

Working with whole systems from Teal                                                   

Formation of a Community of Practice           

Where & when:

Marabella I.
Saturday, 26th 12:00-14:00

Marabella I.
Saturday, 26th 12:00-14:00

What does it take to work with whole systems?

Next stage organisations requires a significant shift in the way we think about and go about our mission, indeed, many of us will already be well aware that our thinking has changed and we are sensing new possibilities.

It’s critical that we learn to see and work with the whole systems that are both internal and external to our organisations, we need to understand how they work and develop the ability to work with them. This requires new and different conversations about how we develop to meet these new challenges.

In this highly participative workshop we will identify and explore how our existing systems are operating, how we become more conscious of what is working and what is not, and how we can identify and meet the call of the larger eco-system. We will then look at a new capability development framework and discuss it in the context of the key factors as we have experienced them.

About Helen Rawlinson

Helen started recognising that our existing systems were limiting and destructive in the mid-90s. Since then she discovered spiral dynamics and integral theory and found that they were able to help her make sense of what she was seeing. She went on to study complexity science. Her passion to make a difference in the world, which so desperately needs it at the moment, has lead her to embrace the infinite possibilities provided by moving into teal and turquoise.

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