
Title of contribution:

Anchoring Ourselves in Love and Spaciousness

Where & when:


Morning Practice: Anchoring Ourselves in Love and Spaciousness

In this morning meditation, you will be gently guided into a spacious and loving presence in the present moment, in this present body, and in this present group of people. While I am guiding you with my voice, I myself will be guided by source inspiration and whatever is present in the group. I am always surprised and delighted myself by what emerges in these meditations. You can expect to emerge from this hour refreshed and enlivened, with a deeper sense of connection to your own body, to other beings around you, including all participants of IEC, and your environment.

About Hanna Hündorf:

Hanna has been a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism since 1982, living in Samye Ling, Scotland, where she completed two traditional three-year retreats.
In 1997 she started teaching and began developing her own style of transmitting the traditional teachings and methods in a way that is appropriate to the Western culture, but retains the depth and power. At the same time she began reading Ken Wilber and adopted the Integral View.
She works in landscaping together with her husband.

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