
Title of contribution:

Conscious Ageing at the Integral European Conference online

Looking at the Pandemic through the lens of the Spiral

Where & when:

Conscious Ageing at the Integral European Conference online

In 2014, I and Mark Davenport, my husband, were present at the second Integral European Conference with the topic “Ageing”. Afterward, we started to invite people into video podcasts who were willing to talk about their experience, their own getting older, or what they find when accompanying others in their ageing process. After Mark’s unexpected death I also inserted the topic of severe illness, death, and accompanying dying. So far 74 podcasts to the topic are available at www.TheWisdomFactory.net

For the Integral European Conference Online, I have invited some of my previous guests to share their insights and wisdom regarding ageing. They will talk about their practices of facing the reality of life while moving on in the best way possible. How can we help others to go through this special period of their life as well?.

Names of co-contributors: Ann Roberts

Ann’s exploration of Conscious Ageing began in 2015 when after a 35 years career in organisational, team, and personal development, she retired from Police Scotland as a Leadership Development Consultant. She is now exploring Conscious Agers via an initiative called Active Wisdom: An Inquiry into our Elderhood. Ann is particularly interested in adult development opportunities within the life cycle stage of Elderhood that arises from the possibility of more freedom, more time, and more potential for exploration. In 1996 Ann first encountered an indigenous Mayan body of Teachings that, over the years, she has woven its tools and protocols with her love of Integral Theory.  Ann lives in a village just south of Edinburgh in Scotland.

Names of co-contributors: JANE DUNCAN ROGERS

Jane Duncan Rogers is an award-winning Life and Death coach who
helps people prepare well for the best ending of life possible.

Having been in the field of psychotherapy and personal growth for more
than 25 years, she is also the author of Gifted By Grief: A True Story of
Cancer, Loss and Rebirth, and Before I Go: Practical Questions to Ask
and Answer Before You Die. She founded Before I Go Solutions in 2016.
Read her full biography on her other website,


Names of co-contributors: Monia Frühwirth

Born in Vienna, November 1941. Trained as a translator at the University of Vienna. Married since 1965, two daughters,
three grandchildren. Lived in New York City for 9 years, studied, and practiced Kundalini Yoga and comparative religions
after experiencing cosmic consciousness in 1973. Further training in Buddhism for the West,  Gestalt therapy according to
Rebillot, shadow work. Since 2001 actively  involved in the German-speaking integral scene, chief editor of the integrale
Perspektiven, the founder of the Integrale Frauenfeld, organizing integral activities in Vienna.


About Heidi Hornlein:

Born in Germany, MA in Berlin, in Italy for 30 years, Voice teacher and
therapist. Licensed Counselor and Coach and Host of audio and video
podcasts since 2013.
University studies in Mathematics, Physics, MA in Linguistics. Parellel
studies in singing. Employment in a professional choir RIAS Berlin. 5
years of study of voice and music in Rome. Self-study and meeting Integral
theory led to developing “Integral voice training”. License in Gestalt
Counseling and different Coaching approaches.  Live broadcasts and
video recordings with Mark Davenport in The Wisdom Factory on
Conscious Ageing and other topics.

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