(South Africa)

Title of contribution:

Integral African Perspectives – path to inclusivity and wisdom

Where & when:

Integral African Perspectives – path to inclusivity and wisdom

Join 3 vibrant Africans telling their story and engaging you in a deep dialogue of how Africa and the world are wakening up to its deepest gifts after centuries of a dehumanising and dominant western worldview. The shadow lies everywhere: in Africans themselves – through introjection and assimilation and colonisation of minds, and in the west as it releases its sense of superiority. This is an invitation to our own integration as a truly global group of integralists embracing all parts of ourselves as valid and inclusive and holding parts of ourselves that may be buried in our own recesses of our assumed ‘enlightenment’.

Names of co-contributors: Elisangela Rassoul

Elisângela Rassul is an ecologist, researcher on sustainability and regenerative development. Her training range from sustainable ecovillage communities, permaculture, agroforestry, circular leadership, project management, and strategic planning, to biopsychology and bioenergetics body therapy, integrating everything in a holistic and systemic approach to human, organizations and communities development. She is the founder and CEO at KOSMOZ – Sustainability Catalyzer. She is a performance artist, dancer, therapist, and yoga teacher.

Names of co-contributors: Dumi  Magadlela

Dumi is an Executive Coach, Coach Trainer, and Leadership Skills Development Facilitator based in Johannesburg, South Africa. He serves as a Trustee on the Board of the International Coach Federation (ICF) Foundation. He is a member of the ICF and of Coaches and Mentors of South Africa (COMENSA). He serves on the faculties of The Integral Africa Coaching Centre in Cape Town, where he delivers a Module on the African Coaching Context, with Ubuntu Coaching awareness. He is on the University of Stellenbosch Business School faculty where he delivers a Module on African Team Coaching fundamentals, in the MPhil in Management Coaching. Dumi works across the African continent facilitating leadership, coaching, mentoring, and organisational culture training sessions.

About Paddy Pampallis

Paddy has spent her life T work facilitating the growth of consciousness & healing in her person, & with others in the roles as psychologist, coach, teacher, leader& integral facilitator/practitioner. Using a unique adaptation of Wilber’s Integral Theory in her work, she has become a thought leader & recognised as a pioneer in the field of learning, coaching & leadership. She is passionate about integrating the essential beingness of an African way into her embodiment teaching & practice.

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