Barbara J. Hunt

(United Kingdom)

Title of contribution:

Forgiveness Made Easy – through an integral lens

Where & when:


Forgiveness Made Easy – through an integral lens

Forgiveness is an essential secular ethics/spiritual practice. As Ken Wilber says, “One of the keys to unlocking negative emotions is forgiveness.” It has the potential to transform every relationship we have, even contribute towards global peace. So why don’t we do it more often?

Forgiveness is often misunderstood, sorely underused, yet is an essential integral life practice. Scientific studies confirm the multiple stress-reducing, wellbeing-enhancing benefits of forgiveness, but equally fascinating is our resistance to it and our reluctance to practice it.

In this workshop, we’ll explore what forgiveness is, and arguably more importantly, what it isn’t. What are the benefits of forgiveness? What are the biggest obstacles in our way and how do we navigate them? Why do we seem to prefer the joys of harbouring our resentment to the freedom of forgiveness? And how can our forgiveness be an act of amnesty for humanity?

You will have the opportunity to engage with some deep shadow work in the form of your resentments, and learn the outline of the seven-step Forgiveness Made Easy process.

You don’t need any particular spiritual belief to be able to forgive and this is not a spiritual bypass approach, either. Using a modified version of Wilber’s 3-2-1 shadow process, as a forgiveness ritual, we fully acknowledge the reality of our past experience and our reaction to it, and through the *superpower* of forgiveness, come to a place of peace and release.

About Barbara J. Hunt:

Barbara J Hunt is a forgiveness specialist and the bestselling author of Forgiveness Made Easy – a secular ethics approach to a much-misunderstood, underutilised superhuman practice. As a coach and transformational facilitator, she co-leads Vital Detox retreats in the UK – a leading health retreat specialising in combined emotional and physical well-being. Barbara is a co-founder of Leading Beyond Ego – an evolutionary leadership program, as well as an integral musician and singer-songwriter.

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