Bettina Geiken, Elke Fein

Title of contribution:

Mapping an emerging ecosystem of integral politics

Where & when:


Mapping an emerging ecosystem of integral politics

What is integral politics? What are its distinctive features and core principles and how can it take different shapes in different contexts?
The workshop consists of two parts. In the first part, it invites participants into a joint exploration of what doing politics based on an integral worldview, lens and paradigm could look and feel like.
In the second part, it presents intermediate results from the EU-funded Erasmus+ project LiFT Politics (2019-2022) which is exploring new paradigm post-post-modern approaches of doing politics in a comparative European perspective. While we see that many political innovators share similar motivations, visions, methods and tools for doing politics more collaboratively, their approaches also differ considerably, depending on the context they are working in – and their own “cosmic address”.
I will propose a map that helps to navigate the emerging ecosystem of integral politics in Europe and beyond.

Names of co-contributor: Elke Fein

Dr. Elke Fein is a social and political scientist and lecturer at the Univ. of Freiburg (DE). She also holds a degree in East European history and a PhD in political sociology. She has worked as a researcher in various academic fields, including in Russian studies, history, leadership and organization studies. She is a co-founder and managing director of the Institute for Integral Studies (IFIS), and the initiator and co-coordinator of the EU-project Leadership for Transition (LiFT) Politics.

About Bettina Geiken:

Facilitator, Coach, Social Architect, Project designer & Scientist – Adult development, Self/leadership, Cynefin in business and politics


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