BRAKS, Antoinette

(New Zealand)

Title of contribution:

The Dynamics of the Spectrum Shift to Later Stages

Where & when:

 Marbella I. (Leadership and Power Shift)

Saturday, May 30th, 11:30 – 13:30

Presentation: The Dynamics of the Spectrum Shift to Later Stages

Transformative Executive Coaching: The Drivers and Dynamics that Expedite Later Stage Leadership Development. This thesis illuminated key contributing factors in the shift from Achiever to Strategist.
In a multiple-case study (Yin, 2018) 12 senior executives were assessed and selected as participants based on their predominant Achiever stage profiles using a variation of the WUSCT (Loevinger & Wessler, 1970). They undertook a 12-month executive coaching program and were then re-assessed.
Contrary to expectation (Berger & Fitzgerald, 2002; Rooke & Torbert, 2005), all participants shifted a full stage in leadership capacity during the first year and two transformed twice to Strategist with a third very close-by. Their average aggregate postconventional profile (AAPP) increased from 12% to 46% and the AAPP of three of the participants rose to 88% three years later.
It was found that eight drivers balancing the individual and collective, self-awareness and enactment; eight shifts in perception; the dynamics of a spectrum stage shift; and the breadth, depth and height of the transformative coaching approach were key contributing factors.

About Antoinette Braks:

Antoinette Braks is a Master Executive Coach & Transformative Consultant who expedites later stage vertical development for leaders and organisations. She has recently completed a PhD in developmental psychology distilling her understanding of the spectrum stage shift and the dynamics of transformative coaching that effectively expedites that shift. Author of Transformative Executive Coaching in Leadership: The drivers and dynamics in later stage adult development (2020).

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