Title of contribution:
Revealing Golden Shadow
Where & when:
Workshop: Revealing Golden Shadow
Shadow… what can we find there? Suppressed negative thoughts and feelings, like pain, fear, anger, aggression – and a lot of undiscovered beauty, joy, courage, power, connection! In this workshop our golden shadow will be in the focus. We will use our bodies and authentic voice to discover, unfold and express some of our hidden potentials. We will use Bodywork group therapy which is a kind of dance and movement therapy working with authentic movement, connection and touch, developed in Hungary over the last decades. It focuses on both intrapersonal and interpersonal dimensions in order to reach past experiences that have their traces in our bodies and finding new experiences to express ourselves in a more authentic way. Besides your movements you will also be encouraged to make sounds for a more integrated self-expression. Since we will meet online I suggest you create a space where you have some room to move, and the possibility to make sounds freely during the workshop.
AboutI ldikó Császár Rozsovits:
As a psychologist, working with individuals and groups, I prefer using altered mindstates and nonverbal methods, like hypnotherapy, art therapy and bodywork group therapy, in order to reach the deepest parts of our shadows and the highest understanding of our true nature. They are so close to each-other…