(South Africa)

Title of contribution:

Industrial Theatre Ghana applying Spiral Dynamics

Where & when:


Saturday, May 30th, 11:30 – 13:30

Presentation: Industrial Theatre Ghana applying Spiral Dynamics

The presenters will focus their presentation on the impact of applied Spiral Dynamics in Industrial Theatre context. The “Cantata” – (Ghanaian word for Industrial Theatre), was used as an integral instrument in a worldwide Mining Organisation to embed company values, teamwork, safety as paramount value and care culture. The play was two and a half hours long and included big group facilitation and “safety skits” that employees could associate with and discuss. The impact of the Cantata was significant and total engagement from employees were evident from the start. The duration of the Cantata was five weeks and total number of employees that attended in excess of 8000. Role players in the community like the Queen Mother, Chiefs of surrounding villages and their linguists attended the opening ceremony and had opportunity to see the play. The incredible significance and success of the play was orchestrated and written by Dr Rica Viljoen from Mandala Consulting using the theory of Spiral Dynamics and she and her team involved the Management of the Mining Company and their Organised Labour leaders in conjunction with the Community Leaders. René – co-presenter is a Director at Metamor Consulting – Training and Development division of Mandala Consulting, project managed the Cantata and co-facilitated the process using Spiral Dynamics as the applied theory.

About Rene de Beer:

René has worked at Mandala Consulting since 2008 and has extensive experience in Management Consulting, Leadership Development and Human Resources. She is in the process of completing her MSc degree in Management of Technology and Innovation. René has been trained in Spiral Dynamics and has a passion for preserving “Purple” in an African context. She focusses predominantly on first line management and the development of future leaders in organisations.

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