(United States)

Title of contribution:

An Integral Approach to Systems Engineering

Where & when:


Friday, May 29th, 11:30 – 13:30 

Presentation: An Integral Approach to Systems Engineering

One of the recent developments in systems engineering has been the expansion of its focus to include sociotechnical systems. As systems become larger and more complex, the interactions between humans and systems become more important, as do the interactions between systems and the environment. There have been calls for systems engineering to adapt to these changes. New disciplines and new frameworks have been proposed in response. In this paper and presentation, it is argued that these new disciplines and frameworks will have a limited impact because they have a limited viewpoint: they only make use of objective perspectives. It is proposed that an Integral approach, based on Integral Theory, which makes use of both subjective and objective perspectives, can have a greater impact on the discipline of systems engineering in the development of sociotechnical systems. This proposal includes the introduction of a subjective toolbox, which enables more effective use of subjective perspectives, and results in a more human-centric approach to systems engineering.

About Kevin Devaney:

Kevin Devaney is the Director of Systems Technology at SRC, Inc., a defense company headquartered in Syracuse, NY. His education includes a BS in Physics from Georgetown University, MSEE and MSCE degrees from Syracuse University, and an MA in Management and Organizational Development from Fielding Graduate University. He has published several papers and given presentations at engineering conferences on applying Integral Theory to the practice of systems engineering.

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