Claire Diana

Title of contribution:

Spiralling through Love and Power

Where & when:


Workshop: Spiralling through Love and Power

“The evolutionary drive towards Interdependence counters fragmentation and duality caused by the separation of Love and Power.” What happens when Love and Power are experienced as One? Using Spiral Dynamics as the structure, participants will experience Love, then Power, then LoveandPower through the spiral. How does this Love shift and Power shift inform us individually and collectively in how we take action in the world?

Names of co-contributors: Christiane Seuhs-Schoeller

Bringing three decades of entrepreneurial experience and pioneering new ways of organizing, Christiane today is deeply engaged in finding practical applications for human endeavors to serve people and planet equally. As a partner of Evolution at Work and, her work is driven by the intention to support the ongoing universal shift of consciousness through co-creating new ways for enterprises to follow self- organizing principles, thus shifting power from “power over” to “power with”.

About Diana Claire Douglas:

Diana Claire Douglas, Systemic facilitator, coach, consultant, author, founder of Knowing Field Designs; lead facilitator of Systemic Constellation Work (SCW) with The Hague Centre and Integral City. She is committed to offering Constellating for the Collective— through monthly gatherings, retreats, workshops, on-line sessions and at international conferences. At IEC2018 she was on the planning and facilitation team for the All-Community Constellation.

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