
Title of contribution:

Let’s Take A Look

Where & when:

Ibiza II.
Friday, May 29th, 2020
11:30 – 13:30 

Presentation: Let’s Take A Look

The authors made a retrospective longitudinal study examining the different professional and ‘other’ motivation factors, attitudes, practices and ‘work habits’ of healthcare providers regarding their professional and everyday life from AQAL perspective. The mental and physical self-care routines and the so called Heart Based Medicine perspective of the examined data of care providers showed significant decrease and a special life time curve according to the authors metaanalysis. A Training Plan combining the essence of ‘Bálint- Group’ with parts of ILP, integral SD and a holistic attitude is offered as a tool for keeping the provider and the the environment healthy for the benefit of clients, patients and all participants.

About Pusztai Ildikó:

Dr. Pusztai Ildikó is a surgeon, therapist and university professor with abroad international experience.


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