FEIN, Elke


Title of contribution:

Integral and Metamodern Politics

Where & when:

Wednesday, May 27th, 16:45 – 18:00

Workshop: Integral and Metamodern Politics

The “Leadership for Transition (LiFT) – Politics” project is a EU-funded Strategic Partnership (Erasmus+) exploring political innovations and pioneers in collaborative, co-creative deliberation and decision-making based on integral and meta-modern paradigms. In the first part of the workshop, we will share some of LiFT’s approaches and insights with regard to the foundations, principles and resources of integral/meta-modern politics, as well as methodological tools used for supporting next-stage political cultures and practices.
The second part of the workshop will be interactive and co-creative, inviting participants to contribute to LiFT’s process of mapping integral/meta-modern political innovations from different contexts and to test out pioneering approaches and tools in a lab setting.

About Elke Fein:

Dr. Elke Fein is the co-founder and managing director of the Institute for integral Studies (IFIS) in Freiburg/germany. She is a social and political scientist focusing on large scale socio-political transition processes, leadership and political culture, using adult developmental approaches. She is the initiator and coordinator of the EU-funded “Leadership-for-transition (LiFT) – Politics” project, a Strategic Partnership exploring political innovations based on integral and meta-modern ideas.

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