FISMER, Raymond


Title of contribution:

Gender relations from an evolutionary perspective

Where & when:

Friday, May 29th, 11:30 – 13:30 

Presentation: Gender relations from an evolutionary perspective

This workshop offers an experiential space to explore gender relations from an evolutionary perspective, focusing on the collective phenomena. Gently guided by selected music into inner spaces, you will first experience the different developmental stages of gender identity. Starting from there, we can use methods of we-space, like constellation work, in order to better understand the collective consequences of gender relations that are at work in our societies. Gender issues have a deep impact upon collective and individual development chances; they can be both a strong motor for evolution, or a massive conservative power, hindering freedom and equality.

About Raymond Fismer:

Born 1956, father of an adult son, physicist. Work experience in adult education and ecological engineering. 3-year trainer education at CoreDynamik©-Institut (based on depth-psychology, body therapy and breathwork). Administration officer at Bundesforum Männer, Germany’s umbrella organization for gender equality from a masculine perspective. Workshop leader, author and researcher on male development. Board member of Integrales Forum.

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